By: Tori Roupe and Garrett Franco South Carolina By: Tori Roupe and Garrett Franco
Success or Failure? South Carolina was a success as a colony because the original Carolina split it to two different colonies which created North and South Carolina. South Carolina grew off of cash crops and selling many resources like indigo.
When was South Carolina Established? South Carolina was established in 1663
Why was it established? South Carolina was established when King Charles II gave the land to eight noblemen known as the Lords Proprietors.
Who established South Carolina? KIng Charles II established South Carolina.
How did they make money? South Carolina exported crops like rice, indigo, beef, silkworms, cotton, furniture, and lumber.
Who made up the colonists? In the early years Europeans made up the colonists. African American families made up 97,000 of 180,000 of the colonists.
Government South Carolina’s government was known for having religious freedom.
What region did South Carolina become associated with? South Carolina became associated with the southern colonies.
Map of South Carolina Colony
South Carolina flag The crescent symbol represents the silver emblem on the caps of South Carolina troops during the revolutionary war, and the background color matches the blue of their uniforms.
King Charles II Founder of South Carolina
What is the climate and geography of South carolina? South Carolina has a warm climate, they have mild winters. For the geography of South Carolina, it’s mostly flat towards the coast.
Religion People in South Carolina were able to practice their religion freely.
Examples of food in South Carolina Some foods the colonists ate were corn, bread, meat, and shellfish.
Education The education in South Carolina was very limited and always revolved around farming season and only privileged boys were able to go to college.
What did colonists do for fun? For fun colonists would work together in spinning or quilting bees, played the fiddle, danced to music, and held contests.
Interesting Facts Carolina in latin for Charles and is Carolus South Carolina was originally a province before becoming a colony