Why are people racist?
Content Reasons why they are racist How they are racist? Reasons why people are not racist Erik Johnson
Reasons why they are racist Skin color They look difference Disability Envy Worry Ethnic groups
How they are Racist? Make jokes or negative comments about a particular ethnic group Call others racist names or verbally abuse them Bully, hassle or intimidate others because of their race
Reasons why people are not racist All people are biological equal. You can live with black people like with white people Today black people have more rights as early When we feel angry, we blame others for our problems
Erik Johnson In my old school, i was the own black child. The white child bully me, because of my skin color. I hasn´t friends. I change the school, at a school with only black people. At my first job, nobody bully me because my black skin . Today i have many friends, they are white and black.
End This was a presentation about the question why people are racist? from: Kiara, Melvin, Julian Thanks for your attention