Person Centered Thinking and LifeCourse in Ohio Barb Sapharas Nisonger Center, The Ohio State University Mentor Trainer-The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices (TLC-PCP) Independent Consultant
Ohio Is Charting The LifeCourse Through Funding Provided By Play the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace. A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience – offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind: Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more! Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Don’t get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide. Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused – fewer words are better. Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation. ~ In Partnership With ~
Ohioans with Disabilities 2% 20% 29% 49% (89,737) ICF/DD Enrolled Waiver Services In which category does your loved one fall? But suffice to say, in Ohio a larger number (51%) are known to the system. Whether they are receiving direct services or supports we are aware of them which is an important step, but there is still work to be done. Active, Not on a Waiver Identified
Person Centered Thinking underlies and guides respectful listening which leads to actions, resulting in people who: Have positive control over the life they desire and find satisfying; Are recognized and valued for their contributions (current and potential) to their communities; and Are supported in a web of relationships, both natural and paid, within their communities Purpose: To define Person Centered Thinking SCRIPT People often ask “what’s the difference between Person Centered Thinking and Person Centered Planning?” Use this slide to define the differences Tips: Time: 30 seconds © TLC-PCP 2012 TLC-PCP
Help people get better lives PURPOSE: To identify for the group the ultimate outcome we are trying to achieve by offering the training . SCRIPT Points to make This is not about simply creating better paper It is about helping us to use our existing time -to get better results -to work smarter not harder…not about MORE work. The only reason to do this is to make a difference in people’s lives. This training is about helping people learn every day SKILLS that help us help people get better lives. TIPS: Don’t spend too much time on the next set of slides (remember at this point people will learn more in the exercises and discussion around their experience trying them -than they will learn from listening to someone talk with them about what they might learn or what we think they are going to learn). If you have an audience that is interested in changing how services work (interested in organizational change) there are some additional slides that you might want to use. Remember, first and foremost, we are trying to engage people in person centered thinking, not teaching people how to write person centered plans. TIME: 1 Minute Not just better paper © TLC-PCP 2012 TLC-PCP
Important TO People to be with /relationships Status and control What is important to a person includes those things in life which help us to be satisfied, content, comforted, fulfilled, and happy. It includes: People to be with /relationships Status and control Things to do and places to go Rituals or routines Rhythm or pace of life Things to have PURPOSE: Define Important TO Six categories that commonly make people happy, fulfilled, content, satisfied, comforted. (other synonyms: pleased, at ease, comfortable) SCRIPT Emphasize that this is about humans not just about disability – Ask how many people are living with another adult How do they know if the person they live with is happy? What do they do? Select 1 person and ask her (him) if her partner’s behavior is ever at odds with what he says (his words) Ask “when what he says is different from what he does – which do you listen to, words or deeds?” Hopefully the person will answer – “deeds” – so we already know that we should listen to behavior Note that when we do not trust people we are hyper-vigilant about what they do much more than about what they say For people who use disability services - We often need to look at behavior because we have done a really good job of training people to tell us what we want to hear When people don’t use words to talk, we have to listen to their behavior TIPS: TIME: 2 minutes NOTES: © TLC-PCP 2012 TLC-PCP
Important FOR (Part One): Issues of health: Prevention of illness Treatment of illness / medical conditions Promotion of wellness (e.g.: diet, exercise) Issues of safety: Environment Well being ---- physical and emotional Free from fear Purpose: To define important for and help people see that that health and safety are complex issues, not just labels. SCRIPT Much of what is important for is already emphasized but the more nuanced parts are often omitted. TIPS: TIME: 1 minute NOTES: © TLC-PCP 2012 TLC-PCP
Important To Important For & The Balance Between Management Skills Relationship Map Routines & Rituals Good Day Bad Day 2-Minute Drill Reputation Communication Donut Important To Important For & The Balance Between Matching PURPOSE: Providing participants with a visual overview of the SKILLS, how they are organized, what they look like and how they might be used. SCRIPT The SKILLS we will be learning and practicing can be divided into 3 categories. All of the SKILLS in all of the categories support an intentional approach to developing positive relationships and keeping the person and those who care most at the center of decision making. Discovery/Listening- collects important information which leads to understanding the desired balance between important to/for Everyday Learning- organizes the evaluation of everyday situations in order to learn and identify next steps. Management- assists in allocation of and support for staff “Before actually learning to use the SKILLS, this overview will quickly show you what the SKILLS look like, describe how they can be used and begin to familiarize you with what they are called.” TIPS: The main thing here is to say “The SKILLS work together…we’ve got a lot to talk about.” Don’t get tied up trying to explain every SKILL right now. Go thru all the skill slides quickly – just tell the participants a little about each skill. You are only doing this so that they will be familiar with them when they are taught in more detail. Slide is animated. Time: no more than 15 minutes for the entire overview (slides 21- 35) – 30 seconds per slide Learning Logs Working Not Working Discovery/ Listening Skills 4 + 1 ?s Everyday Learning Skills © TLC-PCP 2012 TLC-PCP
Integrating Person Centered Thinking (PCT) and LifeCourse Outcomes are complimentary Empower ALL people Facilitate conversations Facilitate discovery, ongoing learning, management of resources, planning, collaboration, negotiation, problem solving, etc. Facilitate focus on life outcomes and community membership/citizenship
Integrating PCT and LifeCourse Ohio DD System is county based (County Boards of DD) supporting about 90,000 in 88 counties Service coordination, especially for the 20,000 + who have Medicaid Waivers-Service and Support Administrators (SSAs) Dept. of DD has supported training in PCT-2 Mentor Trainers in Ohio, one works for DODD Provide 2 day PCT Training as well as 5 day PCT Coaches Training TLC-PCP is integrating LifeCourse into its training (new version in process) Opportunity to provide integrated training to SSAs, supervisors, day and residential providers as well as staff who are family members
Adapting and Accommodating Life Experiences Across Life Stages Trajectory towards Good Life Friends, family, enough money, job I like, home, faith, vacations, health, choice, freedom Adapting and Accommodating Life Experiences Across Life Stages Trajectory towards Life Outcomes Vision of What I Don’t Want What kinds of things did you say earlier for YOUR good life? PWD and families usually want those same types of things. Everybody “gets” what the good life is. We just don’t usually ask them! What kinds of things do you think PWD and families will say they DON’T want? Sometimes you need to start there – they may not know what they want (because they are thinking in disability world) but they almost always can tell you want they don’t. FAMILY should have a good life trajectory too. TRAJECTORY is the path that will either lead you toward the good life or toward things you don’t want. Think about throwing a football – the path that the ball takes on it’s way to the receiver is the trajectory. If you shoot an arrow, or a nerf gun – the path that the arrow follows is the trajectory. CAN START at ANY AGE!!!! Support coordinators, providers, DSP’s, VR counselors, teachers….. ALL have the power to impact someone’s trajectory, sometimes negatively, by their actions or words. We must be very careful and mindful of the impact we can have. Are we nudging person and family toward what they want or what they don’t want?? EACH interaction, think about which way it pointed their trajectory! KINDERGARTEN story – segregated class and safer special bus Trajectory isn’t always straight Bumps in the road – you can get back on track VISION and TRAJECTORY can be very broad or very specific and time limited. Might be what are we doing/what’s happening this wee
Trajectory Facilitates conversation about “personal outcomes” helps team focus on common outcome-person has life he/she values Keeps team on track EI staff want to use this during EI and to support family to share vision during transition
Families need Support when Identifying and Integrating Supports
Integrated Star Facilitates conversation about other resources Assists staff to look at non-eligibility resources Supervisors use it to support staff when public funding is not available Broadens service coordinators knowledge Challenging-best done over time with practice and with practical examples
A One (1) Page Description can be used For a specific purpose: for example new situations- like a new job; meeting new people; at the front of the persons records. An at a glance positive way to share key information about: What people like and admire What is most important to How to best support All one page descriptions have these three sections at minimum See for more information Purpose: to briefly outline the most likely possible uses for a one page description and the content that is core for an effective one page description Script: A one page description is developed for a specific purpose. A one page description does not take the place of a person centered description. TLC-PCP 2012
’s One Page Description What is Important to What People Like and Admire about Supports Needs To Stay Happy, Healthy & Safe For a good match: characteristics needed to be present or absent Insert Photo Here PURPOSE: Ask people to find this form in their work book-theirs will not be colored but the shapes will be the same. SCRIPT: Ask them to open their workbooks to this page. TIPS: There are two copies in each workbook so that people can feel comfortable “scribbling” and still have one to make a clean copy. TIME: 1 minute NOTES: Wkbk pg 62 back up pg 64 TLC-PCP 2012 TLC-PCP
Person Centered Description Many uses: transitions (EI, school, job, respite, residential) Medical appointments Job Seekers Ohio-DD Boards out of service provision (day programs) Interview providers Orientation for staff (day and residential) Part of resume
Overall feedback Helped all think of life beyond services “made me think of community in a different way” “I learned so much about what is out there” “splitting the star helped make it more real for me” Fostered creativity Staff are excited about what they learned about the person and possibilities! Not seen as another NEW thing we have to do, but see value and way to integrate into practice!!!!!!