175th anniversary of the event of January 20th
his vocation for Israel Significant event for both Alphonse and Theodore Ratisbonne. For Alphonse the event was central to his life his vocation for Israel his entry into the Jesuits as well as his departure establishing himself in Jerusalem his coming to Sion
His life a perpetual memorial of the when grace enlightened him Alphonse kept in his heart all that had happened between Mary and himself His life a perpetual memorial of the when grace enlightened him
Every year he made his retreat just before January 20th in order to re-live its events in silence and in prayer.
For Theodore the event, which had taken place in the Church of Sant’Andrea delle Fratte, was a sign.
sign of the presence of Mary which marked the Congregation. All his life, Fr Mary remained a sign sign of the fidelity with which God loves his people of Israel and always works to fulfill the promises which he made to them. sign of the presence of Mary which marked the Congregation.
While Theodore was reflecting on this sign, Alphonse (now Brother Mary in the Jesuit novitiate) proposed that his older brother open a catechumenate. Theodore needed and prayed for yet another sign in the form of a catechumen, a sign which was realized immediately afterwards
So it was that Theodore founded a catechumenate and gathered a group of women to help him, the beginning of a community which in time became a religious community, the Congregation of NOTRE DAME de SION.
What are the learnings for us from today’s anniversary? Alphonse Ratisbonne allowed God to speak to him through the events of his life, especially the life-changing event of January 20th. Alphonse understood the significance of this event in greater depth as he went through life, taking time each year to reflect and pray about it. What are the learnings for us from today’s anniversary?
In the same way we can take time to reflect on our own lives. What have been significant moments in my life?
Do we reflect together on significant moments in the life of the Congregation, for example the General Chapter, the pronouncement of final vows or the migrating the charism project when we take the charism to new lands?
Alphonse made a proposal to Theodore to further their thinking and put it into action… Do we have the courage, whether as younger or older sisters, to make suggestions and put our thoughts into action? Celia sharing with young people at Worl Youth Day, Poland Ale working with a group in Costa Rica Biblical formation in Congo Teaching young friends of Sion in the Philippines Biblical Hebrew class with Michèle in France
Father Theodore had a greater sense of discernment, praying patiently and waiting for signs from God before he started on the next step of his journey. He believed whole-heartedly in the work God had asked him to do and he also wanted to be certain that he was doing God’s will. What is the next step of our personal and communal journey as people of Notre Dame de Sion in 2017 ?
How will we discern God’s will for us? What is God asking us to do? How will we discern God’s will for us?
In 2018 we will discern together our Congregational apostolic priorities. Let us start our preparations in the unshakable trust, hope and love of the other which sustained Theodore and Alphonse many years ago.
Souvenez-vous… Memorare…
Produced by CLT Notre Dame de Sion If you would like to listen to the song «Souvenez-vous» copy this link on YouTube Produced by CLT Notre Dame de Sion Rome, January 2017 www.notredamedesion.org