Projects and their impact on Trade Union Education Nikos Nikolaou Cyprus Workers Confederation - SEK
Using Projects to fund activities such as training that otherwise would have been impossible
Aims and Objectives The aims of the project is to provide: A comprehensive High quality and gainful training in the area of Risk Assessment at the workplace. The objectives included: The development of 10 training modules for various sectors of economic activity for risk assessment at the workplace The development of a user friendly end product to be used as a training guide as well a training tool for trainers.
The Project Partners: Duration of the project: 15/11/2004 – 14/10/2007 10 organizations for 6 countries (Cyprus, Greece, Germany, Denmark, Lithuania and Romania) Etui - HESA was a “silent” partner HRDA was the external evaluator Duration of the project: 15/11/2004 – 14/10/2007 Total Budget: 553,772 euro
Work packages WP 1. Project management WP 2. Identification of training needs WP 3. Development of methodologies WP 4. Development of the training material WP 5. Evaluation – Quality control WP 6. Dissemination plan
Sectors of Economic Activity Title of the sector Responsible Partner M0: General module SEK M1: Cement industry CYSHA M2: Construction OTS M3: Metal processing workshops ELINYAE M4: Textile industry M5: Land transport KC M6: Car repair workshops M7: Road side services, including emergency services and road maintenance services M8: Bank services M9: Hotels and restaurants M10: Health services
Identification of training needs Having chosen the economic sectors, the survey for the identification of the training needs concentrated on the employees of these sectors, and a questionnaire was developed and distributed to the target group.
Identification of training needs Aim of the questionnaire was the identification: of the knowledge of the target group on issues related to risk assessment, its ability to identify the risks at its own workplace and the actual occurrence of actual occupational risks for which no measures have been taken.
Identification of training needs The distribution of the questionnaire was extensive and the target number was 100 employees per sector (approximately 1000 questionnaires) in each participating country. In most cases the questionnaire was given in person by trained interviewers.
Structure of the training modules for the sectors Each of the 10 modules was planned to provide 15 hours of training Each of the modules developed questions aiming to the identification of: The level of knowledge of employees in different economic sectors of issues related to risk assessment The training needs of the workers on the related issues The view of the workers, on health and safety issues within their own working environment.
Module contents The structure was based on: Identification of the sources of hazards The needs of each job position For each category of hazards there was a small introduction For each activity there was a description of: The main consequences on health Safety precautions and safety tools support by visual aids (pictures) Also, in each module there were: Risk assessment forms and checklists Tests and Bibliography
Evaluation All modules we evaluated in terms of complicity and correctness of the material by the Labour Inspectorate of the Ministry of Labour The whole structure of the training package was commented by ETUI - HESA The whole programme was evaluated in terms of efficiency of the end product by the Cyprus Human Resource Development Authority (external evaluator) Pilot implementations were carried for all modules in all the countries and the feedback received by the participants was used to finalize the end product
End product The material is available in 5 languages: Greek, English, German, Lithuanian and Romanian The material is available on an interactive base through which the learner has the chance to choose the sectors of interest, look through the material with specific information and make her/his own notes and adjust training based on his/her needs A booklet based on each sector of economic activity has been produced that includes basic information on the procedures of risk assessment and main sources of risk in each sector
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How to ensure continues projects Training is very Important as, It ensures quality in the proposals It ensures quality in the end product It ensures the necessary financing to develop and to promote trade union strategies
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