Student Welfare & Social Services Dr. Cary Grant Director of Student Welfare and Social Services March 15, 2016
The Gardening Project is Part of the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) Units of Alabama Cooperative Extension System at Alabama A&M University Goals: Improve access and availability of fresh produce Build self efficacy of citizens within limited resource communities Encourage citizens to take control of their health Objectives: Provide education on nutrition/physical activity/gardening Establish gardens Harvest produce for use by participants or outsource
Program Provisions Are Made for Students Who Participate in the Garden Project Nutrition lessons provided by USNAP-Ed Program Staff Plant lessons; building, planting and maintenance plan; provided by Extension Horticulture Staff Building material, soil, seeds, hand tools, wagon, scale, etc., funded through USNAP-Ed grant
The Garden Project Program is Making Significant Progress Johnson and Lee High schools identified as pilot schools Principals approved Garden sites have been designated and inspected Garden materials delivered Nutrition lessons are in process Garden construction will begin at the end of March
Lee High School Johnson High School Garden Sites Have Been Designated and Approved by HCS Operations Department Lee High School Johnson High School
Johnson High School Green House Before and After
Garden Project Contacts Dr. Andrea Morris, USNAP-Ed Program Lead (256) 372-8082 Dr. Kristen Campbell, USNAP-Ed Special Projects Coordinator (256) 372-4979 Dr. Rudy Pacumbaba, Horticulture Specialist (256) 372-4266