WE ARE UP AND RUNNING! We are merged! Our charitable aims and objectives are defined and clearly set out You have approved and appointed a Board and committees The new website is established – the hope and intention is to have everything migrated from the former AGT and GHS websites by Christmas – and to be the single on-line voice for the designed landscape Meanwhile a clear message directs web site visitors to the AGT and GHS websites so that no-one misses out on updated information and exciting current events 2 Board meetings already been held and committees up and running
WHERE WE HAVE COME FROM: We were both: Charitable companies limited by guarantee, established for many years operating in the same space – the designed landscape – with very similar Aims and charitable Objects. Each managed by a board of Trustees; Both reliant on volunteers. A recent history of working together – JCC – HLP etc. Umbrella organisation with 35 affiliated CGTs Independent organisation with 1200+ members Members are individually constituted and varied Members of a single organisation Research/conservation varies; frequently high quality Research is academic & sometimes esoteric Some CGTs engage with planning Statutory consultee for gardens and parks Significant funding from Historic England (EH) Significant funding from Historic England Volunteer base Some paid employees, insufficient to meet ‘obligations’ Both organisations identified a reduction in external core funding – PSR; there were limited alternatives
A quick reminder of how we arrived at the new organisation: 2010 Discussions on how to work more closely together begin 2012 ‘Working Together’ strategy commences – JCC and HLP being key successes 2013 Project Board tasked with negotiating the details of the merger 2014 Vote ‘in principle’ to merge agreed at the AGMs of both organisations 2014 Transitional Board tasked with structuring the legal framework for the merger the Name | the Articles of Association | the Initial Business Plan | the Initial Financials 2014 Merger website created and publicised | Consultations commenced 2015 Vote to merge agreed at the AGT and GHS AGMs in Newcastle-upon-Tyne (24 July) 24 CGTs in favour 7 CGTs against 1 CGT abstained 3 CGTs did not engage 2015 First Board of 12 voted in – equal representation from CGTs and GHS (24 July) 2015 Interim website – www.thegardenstrust.org launched (31 July) 2015 First Full Board meeting (16 September)
Our charitable aims are: To promote the study of the history of gardens and gardening, landscape gardening and horticulture in all its aspects. To promote the protection and conservation of historic parks, gardens and designed landscapes and to promote and advise on their conservation. To promote County and Country Gardens Trusts and through them education, appreciation and involvement of the public in matters connected with the arts and sciences of garden land. To encourage the creation of new parks, gardens and designed landscapes. These are the same as those for the GHS and AGT – so no change
This is our new Board of Directors (trustees); 6 were appointed each from the GHS & AGT but at least 7 are AGT members so CGTs also have a strong informal voice on the Board Dr James Bartos (Chairman) Michael Dawson (Vice Chairman and IOW GT) Lisa Watson (Honorary Treasurer and Bucks GT Jeremy Garnett (Honorary Secretary) Sarah Dickinson Surrey GT Dr Marion Harney Bath University Kate Harwood Hertfordshire GT Virginia Hinze Sussex GT Dr Sally Jeffery London PGT David Lambert Tim Richardson Dr Ian Varndell Devon GT
THINGS WE ARE ASKED ABOUT: Why we created a single organisation? What’s in a name – The Gardens Trust Current types and benefits of membership The Business Plan Statutory Consultee status How are we best going to work together to make the Gardens Trust a loud and trusted voice for the designed landscape? If you have other issues please raise them for discussion
A REMINDER OF WHY WE CREATED A SINGLE ORGANISATION AND ITS POTENTIAL BENEFITS TO THE CONSERVATION OF DESIGNED LANDSCAPES: We are now: A single entity protecting and promoting the designed landscape – this is clearer for LPAs, all potential funders and heritage policy makers We are more likely to: retain some external funding to support core activities We have: A huge volunteer base to respond to planning applications affecting local designed landscapes We also have: A stronger platform for the Statutory Consultee We will: save on costs
Some of the issues the new Gardens Trust will be better placed to tackle: The designed landscape is under increasing pressure from unsympathetic development – housing, infrastructure, power sources (fracking, wind turbines, solar farms) and a passionate, vociferous group, able to share and learn from cases around the country makes for a stronger voice to minimise impact. A single unified voice for the designed landscape will help us in dealing with planners (LPAs, HER), policy makers (at local, regional and national level) and other ‘like-minded’ groups with whom we may need/wish to collaborate, e.g. CPRE, Natural England, the Heritage Alliance, CB300, CBF16, HHA, NT, WT, CWTs, Georgian Society etc. Central funding for heritage is under threat – the 2015 PSR is likely to impact Historic England and in turn this will result in less funding for our work. HE also cannot commit to long-term revenue funding (i.e. for annual running costs).Fundraising is going to be a priority for The Gardens Trust and, together, we can make a more compelling case for potential funders.
THE NAME…. Names are emotive… The Transitional Committee decided that the new name should be: Short and simple with no competing abbreviation Should have gravitas and be memorable Exclude the words ‘History’ and ‘Heritage’ (a request from the GHS) to reflect the Gardens Trust’s desire to include supporting the creation of new gardens, not just historic landscapes Not be restricted by national boundaries Able to obtain an appropriate URL The new name was endorsed through consultation with all CGTs
HOW MEMBERSHIP WORKS POST MERGER: There are two types of membership – individual and affiliated – and both will retain all their benefits as previously. There are currently no plans to increase the annual individual subscription or the capitation fee for CGTs to affiliate to the new Trust. One enhanced benefit is that CGTs will receive 5-6 copies of publications prepared for, and distributed to, individual Members; e.g. the quarterly GT News/micro news. The contents of these will go onto the GT website and we may be able to email it out to each CGT and hence to all CGT members on email. While we can explore further enhancements we have no reserves at the moment. CGTs will, by affiliation to The Gardens Trust, be able to claim “association” with the Statutory Consultee. The precise wording is still to be approved but ‘association’ will confer status on CGTs’ relationships with LPAs in all planning work.
How will the Board be guided and directed? The Business Plan The Transitional Committee prepared a business plan to guide the first year’s operation of the new Trust. This is being implemented through the Board and committee. A new plan will be prepared for 2016/7 (this needs to be on the website asap – so members can see the As and Os A key objective is for the GT to operate within its limited means and to balance the books which means cash-flow neutrality, with initiatives to cut costs and raise funds while adhering to our charitable Aims and Objects for the conservation and promotion of designed landscapes. We have 2 Board members here, who are also members of the Conservation and Events committees if you want to ask specific questions.
STATUTORY CONSULTEE STATUS FOR THE GT IS ASSURED: The Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has added THE GARDENS TRUST to the list of Statutory Consultees as the successor organisation of the Garden History Society The GT is producing a new leaflet to re-inforce the change of Statutory consultee and to remind LPAs of their duty to consult the organisation. Caroline Ikin will say more about this important publication………..
How are we best going to work together to make the Gardens Trust the loudest and most trusted voice for the designed landscape? We would like CGTs to support the GT in the same way that you supported the AGT Continue with – and expand where you can – your work of responding to planning applications that will continue to be notified to you via the Casework Log Help the GT to measure the success of its involvement by notifying the Casework Officer of responses and outcomes – we must publicise what we do; funders want to know We must publicise our successes and failures via your own and the GT’s website and in your own and our publications and social media sites etc. Continue to develop your valuable research and recording and local listing work – it increases our knowledge base and spheres of influence Communicate! It’s a 2 way process we both need to develop. While the GT has very limited resources there will be ways we can help each other with shared events, training publicity and publications. Don’t let issues fester, talk to us about them – we are open to your ideas!
Events & Events committee We are appointing new committee members from outside London and SE so that GT/CGTs members are more widely represented – Dorset, Norfolk, Yorkshire and Bucks so far. They will liaise with neighbouring CGTs to find potential sites and/or research that would be of national interest for visits and study days. So tell us what you are doing! We are setting up a ‘supporters’ circle of volunteers – so far in London but could be regional - to help out at events. The winter lecture series will be entirely run by the supporters’ circle We are writing protocols for how to organise events to encourage new people to offer to run one – and will help with mentoring new organisers. The GT needs to raise its profile - be ‘seen and heard ’ - so we plan to run joint events with ‘sister’ organisation such as the Georgians and C20 Society and with others with shared interests such as the Landscape Institute, ICOMOS, CPRE, NT etc. We will try to have a presence at events that get good press coverage such as the Chelsea Fringe. Our events will be grounded in sound academic rigour but cloaked in fun and good company!
Conservation Committee – 12th October 2015 HLP - Business as usual Casework log continues and work in hand to improve and in due course give access to CGTs Review of PCANs - key audience is the CGTs LPA leaflet The Gardens Trust newsletter - a platform for conservation issues – feed cases /issues to the CC Future agendas to cover feedback from all regional forums Register of Parks & Gardens - raising profile - direct discussions with HE team Our partners - AONB officers - invite to future forums Heritage Planning Case Database - HE - https://historicengland.org.uk/advice/hpg/planning-cases/
Contact details for the chairs of the committees: Have ideas? Tell us! Contact details for the chairs of the committees: Chair of Conservation: Marion Harney: m.harney@bath.ac.uk Chair of Education, Publications and communications: Tim Richardson tim@space19.demon.co.uk Chair of Administration and finance: Mike Dawson mike.dawson@mcrobie.org.uk Chair of Events Virginia Hinze vchinze@aol.com Chair of membership Ian Varndell membership@thegardenstrust.org