The impact and legacy of BAM Construct/ Laing O’Rourke support What was the impact for us of the support from BAM & Laing O Rourke? How what was essentially – a combination of Materials in Kind – A Corporate Volunteers Day – and Expert Skill Share helped us. We will hear more about the three thematic areas or headings of help later on under the GHA discussions… This had a range of outcomes and has created some longer term community initiatives that will have/leave some longer term legacies. What I haven’t done is quantify or estimate the SORI of this support – I leave you to start trying to asses that – start totting it up as I am talking…
What’s happened since? ‘What’s been innovative about this project is the involvement of all the private companies working together, previously a lot of projects like this were developed around council funding – that’s not around now. Its been amazing that we’ve had different companies developing sites in the area coming and working together.’ Rev Cannon Andrea Jones, Rector; Good Shepherd & St Barnabas, & Borough Dean of the City & Borough of Manchester “…(Growing in the City) demonstrates the power of horticulture to bring different communities together and provide therapy for mental health, exercise and social contact for …… the benefits of unobtrusive good” City Planter magazine “… today's visit to an incredible growing project Growing in the City; Yes it's a garden but it's so much more than a garden” Cllr Beth Knowles (Manchester City Centre) Many new relationships; community, third sector, social enterprise and charitable partners & business community Many new opportunities born/grow from the group
: as shown/epitomised in this picture : Many new relationships and activity we born/formed ; community, third sector, social enterprise and charitable partners & business community Within the community and in people - its seen people come together ; reduce social isolation and overcome issues ; its reduce demand on health, police and support services - people have achieved/done things that they didn’t think they could do so before; gown food, built things, eaten healthily, built social and support networks … Its built or rebuilt confidence in people and that’s been recognised by a range of organisations and bodies – that’s built another layer or enhanced the level of confidence…. Spurred people on to other things …..
What’s happened since? 2014 Eastlands Homes (OneManchester) 'Best Community Project' Gardening Competition Special commendation overall Community Project of Year ‘Pride of Eastlands’ Awards 2014 Silver Gilt - Dig the City 2014 for “Edible Bus Stop” RHS North West in Bloom 'It's Your Neighbourhood‘ : Level 3 2014 & Level 4 2015 Winner of Spirit of Manchester 2016 award for Best Community Space A list of awards or credentials /recognition – these are important for people using /engaging with our services/activities – not the only thing/reason they do it but it says to them – other people /bodies recognise what they are doing….
"It's a Garden, but it's so much more...." Churchyard next door – owned by Man’ City Council Community Asset Transfer To create a pocket park and environmental wildlife space Community asset / safe space; Volunteering, Training, Qualifications, Employment….
"It's a Garden, but it's so much more...." Barnabas Enviro’ Enquiries to provide support/products to other bodies Barnabas Bee Project (@BarnabasBees) Community bee project; training & employment enterprise Men's Shed Manchester (@MensShedMcr) Targets (not exclusively) older aged men to reduce social isolation/mental health issues Reclaimed woodcraft activity; products/ social trading ……the list could go on…..#socents to fit different scenarios "It's a Garden, but it's so much more...."