SEISMIC PERFORMANCE OF TUNNEL LINING UNDER LONG DISTANT EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS International Conference of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology By: A. Adnan, M. Z. Ramli & Yousef Karimi Vahed Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia S.K. Che Osmi School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Research problem and Research activities Overview of Research Background: Seismic design of tunnel Methodology Free Vibration Analysis (FVA) Time history Analysis (THA) Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) Conclusion
RESEARCH PROBLEM RESEARCH ACTIVITIES skeptical about the performance of underground structures - safest shelters during earthquakes. tunnel structures has received considerably less attention than that of surface structures. enhanced awareness of seismic hazards for tunnel understanding of factors influencing the seismic behaviour of tunnel. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES To develop full model on tunnel lining including geometric and material properties of soils. To analyze the model with linear analysis using Free Vibration Analysis (FVA), Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) and Time History analysis (THA).
SEISMIC DESIGN OF TUNNEL Design Approach : Deformation Method for Underground Structures Types of Deformations ([1],[3]): Axial and Curvature Deformations: occur when the seismic waves with soil particles movement is parallel to the tunnel axis cause alternating compression and tension Bending Deformations: are generated by the components of seismic waves that produce motions perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. Ovaling or Racking Deformations: develop when shear waves propagate normal or nearly normal to the tunnel axis. 1 2 3 [1] Hashash, Youssef M. a., Jeffrey J. Hook, Birger Schmidt, and John I-Chiang Yao. 2001. “Seismic Design and Analysis of Underground Structures.” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 16(4):247–93. Retrieved ( [2] Pitilakis, Kyriazis, and Grigorios Tsinidis. 2014. “Performance and Seismic Design of Underground Structures.” Pp. 279–340 in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Design, Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, vol. 28, Geotechnical, 115 Geological and Earthquake Engineering, edited by Michele Maugeri and Claudio Soccodato. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Retrieved June 7, 2014 ( [3] Wang, Jaw-Nan. 1993. Seismic Design of Tunnels : A Simple State-of-the-Art Design Approach. Parsons Brinckerhoff Inc. Figure 1 Simplified deformation modes of tunnels due to seismic waves [2]
SMART TUNNEL SMART : Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel Innovative and cost-effective solution: (1) flash floods (2) severe traffic congestion Geometrical description: 9.7km long , 11.83m internal diameter bored tunnel, 3km of highway tunnel with two decks. Figure 3 Tunnel Segmental Cross Section Figure 2 Motorway Tunnel Cross Section Figure 4 Geometry of the tunnel project with an indication of the soil layers
2D Dynamic Analysis (LINEAR) METHODOLOGY Pre-Processing Tunnel model Soil Model Load Model 2D Dynamic Analysis (LINEAR) Free Vibration analysis Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) Time history Analysis (THA) Post-Processing - Result and analysis - Conclusion - Recommendation Figure 5 Research design flowchart
METHODOLOGY Table 1 Material properties of soil and tunnel model Clay Silt Sand Gravel Precast Segment Element type Solid Plate Material model Mohr-Coulomb Elastic Material behavior Drained Structure Unit weight, γdry, γwet [kN/m3] 18 20 24 Modulus of Elasticity, E [kN/m2] 9 x103 8 x103 9x104 12 x104 Normal stiffness, EA 1.4x107 kN/m Flexural rigidity, EI 1.43 x105 kNm2/m Poison Ratio, v 0.25 0.33 0.2 Cohesion, C [kN/m2] 25 31 - Figure 5 Soil-tunnel Model Figure 6 Ground Acceleration at Kuala Lumpur Site, PGA = 0.19g for THA Figure 7 Response Spectrum for RSA
FREE VIBRATION ANALYSIS Figure 8 Mode Shapes of the model Table 2 Period with various mode shapes MODE PERIOD Mode 1 1.0512 Mode 2 0.7225 Mode 3 0.4683 Mode 4 0.4482
TIME HISTORY ANALYSIS (THA) Figure 9 The maximum axial force of the lining at Frame 27 Figure 10 The maximum shear force of the lining at Frame 32
TIME HISTORY ANALYSIS (THA) Figure 11 The maximum moment of the lining at Frame 34 Table 3 Maximum member forces value Type of forces Value Location Time Axial Forces 60.99 kN Frame 27 33 Sec Shear Forces 8.841 kN Frame 32 31 Sec Moment 15.13 kNm Frame 34 36 Sec
TIME HISTORY ANALYSIS (THA) Figure 12 Displacement between 2 nodes The maximum displacement is 3.48mm at 12.8 sec Figure 13 Displacement to show the ovaling effect
RESPONSE SPECTRUM ANALYSIS (RSA) Figure 14 The maximum axial force of the lining at Frame 33 Figure 15 The maximum shear of the lining at Frame 5 Table 4 Maximum member forces value for Response Spectrum analysis Type of forces Value Location Axial Forces 99.43 kN Frame 33 Shear Forces 17.35 kN Frame 5 Moment 22.44 kNm Figure 16 The maximum moment of the lining at Frame 5
DESIGN CAPACITY SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS Type of forces Value Table 5 Design Capacity of the SMART tunnel Type of forces Value Axial Forces 58,238 kN Shear Forces 548 kN Moment 150,148 kNm SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS Table 6 Summary of lining member forces analysis for SMART Tunnel Type of forces Time History Analysis Response Spectrum Analysis Design Capacity Time History Analysis Demand Percentage (%) Response Spectrum Analysis Demand Percentage (%) Axial Forces 61 kN 99.43 kN 58,238 kN 0.10 0.17 Shear Forces 9.1kN 17.35 kN 548 kN 1.66 3.17 Moment 15 kNm 22.44 kNm 150,148 kNm 0.01
CONCLUSION It can be concluded that: Response of underground structures are largely depending on the surrounding medium (soil or rock). Most of the heavier damages occurred when: The peak ground acceleration was greater than 0.5 g The earthquake magnitude was greater than 7.0 The epicentral distance was within 25 km. The tunnel was embedded in weak soil. The tunnel lining was lacking in moment resisting capacity The tunnel was embedded in or across an unstable ground including a ruptured fault plane.
Thank you Acknowledgments Prof Dr Azlan Adnan (Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia) E- Seer UTM Family and friends