Welcome to Classrooms Without Borders Study Tour to Poland Open House
Introduction and Welcome Dr. Zipora (Tsipy) Gur Executive Director Classrooms Without Borders One Trimont Lane Suite 1815 Pittsburgh PA 15211-1275 412.915.9182 tgur@mac.com www.classroomswithoutborders.org
Who We Are and What We Do
Mission To enhance teaching and learning through international travel that creates cross cultural respect and deeper understanding of historical and current events.
VISION To connect teachers and learners To connect teachers and learners through multicultural experiences that create a global learning community.
STRATEGIC GOALS WE WILL: enhance knowledge of other cultures through experiential learning. integrate multiple disciplines into classroom instruction. apply the lessons of the Holocaust to international current events. use international travel as a primary source for the study of cultural diversity.
STRATEGIC GOALS WE WILL: enable teachers and learners to communicate and collaborate at global level. deepen teachers’ content knowledge of global issues such as the Israel/Palestinian conflict, genocide and religious differences. imbue participants with values and beliefs that result in empathy for global issues
VALUES & BELIEFS WE BELIEVE: Experiential education brings learning to life and life to learning. Recognition and understanding of other cultures teaches tolerance and respect. Tolerance is not only a way of thinking and feeling, but a way of behaving. Collaboration and communication among teachers and learners create classrooms without borders.
Teachers and Travelers Introduce yourself Your name Your school Your subject and grade level Tell us why you and your students will benefit from your participation in the Study Tour to Poland
Application Process Applications may be downloaded from: www.drpaulasprescriptions4pd.wikispaces.com Click on the Classrooms Without Borders tab on the left side of the screen Download and print the PDF
Itinerary for Study Tour to Poland Sunday, June 19 – Monday, June 27, 2011
Experiential Education
Unforgettable Images
Lingering Memories
An Experience of a Lifetime
Requirements for Act 48 Credits 74 credit hours available 4 Pre-Tour 2 Hour Workshops with Assigned Readings = 4 hours per workshop = 16 hours Sunday, February 27 from 1-3 pm, Holocaust Center Sunday, March 27 from 1-3 pm, Holocaust Center Sunday, April 3 from 1-3 pm, Holocaust Center Sunday, May 1 from 1-3 pm, Holocaust Center
Requirements for Act 48 Credits 74 credit hours available 2 Post-Tour 3 Hour Workshops with Project/Product Development Time = 8 hours per workshop = 16 hours Thursday, June 30 from 9 am- 12 Noon, Holocaust Center TBD Choose your project/product from the 57 varieties list found on the Classrooms Without Borders page on: www.drpaulasprescriptions4pd.wikispaces.com (or provide your own idea!)
Requirements for Act 48 Credits 74 credit hours available 7 Tour Days at Historical Sites = 6 hours per day = 42 hours June 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
Questions and Concerns What’s on your mind?
Thank you for joining Classrooms Without Borders today Thank you for joining Classrooms Without Borders today. See you next time.
Welcome to Classrooms Without Borders Study Tour to Yad Vashem
Introduction and Welcome Dr. Zipora (Tsipy) Gur Executive Director Classrooms Without Borders One Trimont Lane Suite 1815 Pittsburgh PA 15211-1275 412.915.9182 tgur@mac.com www.classroomswithoutborders.org
Who We Are and What We Do
Mission To enhance teaching and learning through international travel that creates cross cultural respect and deeper understanding of historical and current events.
VISION To connect teachers and learners To connect teachers and learners through multicultural experiences that create a global learning community.
STRATEGIC GOALS WE WILL: enhance knowledge of other cultures through experiential learning. integrate multiple disciplines into classroom instruction. apply the lessons of the Holocaust to international current events. use international travel as a primary source for the study of cultural diversity.
STRATEGIC GOALS WE WILL: enable teachers and learners to communicate and collaborate at global level. deepen teachers’ content knowledge of global issues such as the Israel/Palestinian conflict, genocide and religious differences. imbue participants with values and beliefs that result in empathy for global issues
VALUES & BELIEFS WE BELIEVE: Experiential education brings learning to life and life to learning. Recognition and understanding of other cultures teaches tolerance and respect. Tolerance is not only a way of thinking and feeling, but a way of behaving. Collaboration and communication among teachers and learners create classrooms without borders.
Teachers and Travelers Introduce yourself Your name Your school Your teaching area Tell us why you and your students will benefit from your participation in the Study Tour to Yad Vashem
World Holocaust Center Jerusalem, Israel http://www.yadvashem.org
Questions and Concerns What’s on your mind?
Thank you for joining Classrooms Without Borders today Thank you for joining Classrooms Without Borders today. See you next time.