OVERWATCH Chinmay Gandhi Computer Studies A Block 1
ABOUT OVERWATCH Team orientated first person shooter. Has a completive mode for players who take the game seriously. It took inspiration from the popular shooter Team Fortress 2. Has over 20 characters called heroes you can play as. It is made by the company Blizzard who are also the creators of the famous series Diablo and StarCraft. Has a highlight at the end of the game called Play of the Game that features a moment when the tide of the game changed.
HEROES Overwatch has over 20 heroes. Each hero has its own unique abilities. Heroes are separated in different classes (attackers, defenders, tanks and healers.) Heroes can be switched in middle of a game. Each team has 6 players who choose and switch their heroes according to the enemy team’s heroes. Each hero has a unique backstory.
COMPETETIVE MODE In competitive your team can only choose 1 hero per person. They can change their hero if they choose to. Competitive season lasts 2-3 months and happens every 2 months, and you must be level 25 or over. In competitive you earn skill rating and competitive points when you win a match. You can use competitive points to buy golden weapons in the game. Skill rating helps the game put you into matches with people around your rating. You can play with your friends and talk to people in your team.
QUICK PLAY Quick play is another playlist in Overwatch. This playlist is for casual players and it is just to have fun. There are no requirements for playing this playlist. Your team can choose the same heroes unlike in competitive. You can play with you friends and talk to people in game.
CUSTOM GAMES A playlist in which you can make your own rules. Players can choose any hero they want and multiple people can choose the same hero Players can edit the amount of health each person has. The host of the lobby can also edit the abilities each hero has. Not a serious playlist just for messing around and exploring different maps.
IN GAME ITEMS In Overwatch you can get different skins and taunts for your heroes. There are more than 10 skins for a hero and each skins have different rarities. You can get skins from Loot boxes that you earn from leveling up. You can also buy loot boxes for real money. Loot boxes also give you in game money used to buy skins, taunts and sprays. You can also get highlight intros for your hero for when you get Play of the game.
GOOD THING ABOUT OVERWATCH It is a unique first person shooter. Any add on in the game is free. You don’t need to pay real money to play certain heroes and maps. Has a lot of heroes to fit different players’ plays style. There is little to no lag in middle of games. There is very little lag even when everyone in the house is on the Wi-Fi. The game gives you tips on how to balance out your team. If you have too many healers the game will notify you to switch.
bAd ThIngs AbOuT oVeRWaTch. Overwatch currently has only 3 game modes which are escort , control point and Defend/escort called a hybrid. The spawn rooms for the players are really far from the action. It takes a long time to find a match. The most amount of time taken for me is about 10 minutes. One particular anhero in the game called bastion who is very overpowered d can kill any Other HeRo In The GaMe. Overwatch does’NT have a single player mode.
ThE mOsT aNnoYing things AbOuT oVeRwAtCh The most annoying character in the game is Mei. She has a freeze gun that freezes any enemies in it’s way. Bastion is another character which is very annoying because he fires abut 12 shots per per second which can kill any targets with low health. Sometimes the game glitches and shows a bad Play of the Game. Overwatch crashes in the middle of the game and players lose all the experience Gained from that game. The chances of getting legendary items in Loot boxes is very rare.