Who tracks the spread of contagions?
What are the different ways infectious diseases are caused?
What are the different ways infectious diseases are caused? GERMS/CONTAGIONS/PATHOGENIC PARASITES viruses (smallest microorganism, hijacks its host) bacteria (smallest LIVING microorganism-prokaryotic) protozoa (bigger unicellular eukaryotic) fungi (mostly multicellular eukaryotic) larger parasites like worms & flukes,
What do we call an infectious contagion that spreads all over a large region or country?
What do we call an infectious contagion that spreads all over a large region or country?
What do we call an infectious contagion that spreads all over the EARTH?
What do we call an infectious contagion that spreads all over the EARTH?
A regional or nationwide outbreak is an EPIDEMIC.
A regional or nationwide outbreak is an EPIDEMIC.
We call scientits who track the spread of a contagion EPIDEMIOLOGISTS
YESTERDAY, YOU were acting as an EPIDEMIOLOGIST when you did the Mapping Death activity. https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=4sYSyuuLk5g contagion trailer
How do EPIDEMIOLOGISTS classify a spreading disease?
How are pathogens spread here? eeeeeeeewwww…
How are pathogens spread here? sneezing
How are pathogens spread here? sneezing
How are pathogens spread here? sneezing coughing
How PATHOGENS can be spread: AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs
Do you remember how the deadly cholera bacteria can be spread?
Do you remember how the deadly cholera bacteria can be spread?
Do you remember how the deadly cholera bacteria can be spread?
How PATHOGENS can be spread: AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/03/07/518811502/watch-raindrops-catapult-bacteria-into-the-air-and-its-beautiful
_______ are NON-HUMAN disease spreaders! FLEAS MOSQUITOS
VECTORS are NON-HUMAN disease spreaders! BIRDS RATS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTGAn2hEdZQ&list=PLWFSWxoet3iWtNxcmEP0R3AiWu_td_wJw
How PATHOGENS are spread: AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders rats, mosquitos, birds, fleas, and more
IF A PERSON SPREADS A DISEASE BUT SHOWS NO SYMPTOMS… THEY ARE A CARRIER. TYPHOID MARY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc8O9EnAuLo first 2:28 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE8HwwNqHG4
How PATHOGENS can be spread: AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders rats, mosquitos, birds, fleas and more CARRIERS-human disease spreaders
If a CARRIER can only infect someone by exchanging fluids… by contaminated needles by sexual contact
How PATHOGENS can be spread: AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders rats, mosquitos, birds, fleas and more CARRIERS-human disease spreaders Blood-borne-sexual contact/unclean needles
Sometimes CARRIERS can give someone a contagion more easily… by sharing food & stuff by touching, kissing
How PATHOGENS can be spread: AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders rats, mosquitos, birds, fleas and more CARRIERS-human disease spreaders Blood-borne-sexual contact/unclean needles Direct Contact-touching, kissing, sharing food or drink !
We can also catch infectious diseases on shared surfaces… keyboards
We can also catch infectious diseases on shared surfaces… keyboards doorknobs
We can also catch infectious diseases on shared surfaces… keyboards CELL PHONES!
How PATHOGENS can be spread: AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders rats, mosquitos, birds, fleas and more CARRIERS-human disease spreaders Blood-borne-sexual contact/unclean needles Direct Contact-touching, kissing, sharing food or drink Indirect Contact-touching surfaces that others contaminated
How PATHOGENS can be spread: AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders rats, mosquitos, birds, fleas and more CARRIERS-human disease spreaders Blood-borne-sexual contact/unclean needles Direct Contact-touching, kissing, sharing food or drink Indirect Contact-touching surfaces that others contaminated WHICH WAYS ARE HARDEST TO CONTROL?
How PATHOGENS can be spread: HARD TO CONTROL AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders rats, mosquitos, birds, fleas and more CARRIERS-human disease spreaders Blood-borne-through unprotected sex or unclean needles Direct Contact-touching, kissing, sharing food or drink Indirect Contact-touching surfaces that others contaminated HARD TO CONTROL HARD TO CONTROL WHICH WAYS ARE HARDEST TO CONTROL?
How PATHOGENS can be spread: HARDEST TO CONTROL AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders rats, mosquitos, birds, fleas and more CARRIERS-human disease spreaders Blood-borne-through unprotected sex or unclean needles Direct Contact-touching, kissing, sharing food or drink Indirect Contact-touching surfaces that others contaminated HARD TO CONTROL HARD TO CONTROL WHICH ONE IS THE HARDEST TO CONTROL????
How PATHOGENS can be spread: AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders rats, mosquitos, birds, fleas and more CARRIERS-human disease spreaders Blood-borne-through unprotected sex or unclean needles Direct Contact-touching, kissing, sharing food or drink Indirect Contact-touching surfaces that others contaminated EASY TO CONTROL EASY TO CONTROL Why are WATER-BORNE and BLOOD-BORNE EASIEST for EPIDEMIOLOGISTS TO CONTROL?
How PATHOGENS can be spread: VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs DIRECT CONTACT-touching, sharing food & drink INDIRECT CONTACT-touching shared objects EASY TO CONTROL EASY TO CONTROL SO, EPIDEMIOLOGISTS FIRST ASK “HOW A GERM SPREADS” BEFORE MAKING A PLAN OF ATTACK.
Typhoid Mary RESISTED & was QUARANTINED. http://www.rednecklatte.com/2013/03/page/2/
Typhoid Mary RESISTED & was QUARANTINED. QUARANTINES-separate carriers from the rest of society to keep the germ from spreading.
How PATHOGENS can be spread: VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs DIRECT CONTACT-touching, sharing food & drink INDIRECT CONTACT-touching shared objects HOW DO YOU THINK TYPHOID WAS SPREAD BACK IN THE EARLY 1900s IF QUARANTINES were EFFECTIVE????
How PATHOGENS can be spread: VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs DIRECT CONTACT-touching, sharing food & drink INDIRECT CONTACT-touching shared objects THAT’S CORRECT!!! HOW DO YOU THINK TYPHOID WAS SPREAD BACK IN THE EARLY 1900s IF QUARANTINES were EFFECTIVE????
How PATHOGENS can be spread: VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs DIRECT CONTACT-touching, sharing food & drink INDIRECT CONTACT-touching shared objects Why wouldn’t quarantines be effective if the contagion spread by VECTORS????
How PATHOGENS can be spread: PESTICIDES HELP HERE VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs DIRECT CONTACT-touching, sharing food & drink INDIRECT CONTACT-touching shared objects Why wouldn’t quarantines be effective if the contagion spread by VECTORS????
show malaria cartoon… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y68F8YwLWdg
How PATHOGENS can be spread: VECTORS-non-human disease spreaders WATER-BORNE-germs in contaminated water AIR-BORNE-by breathing someone’s germs DIRECT CONTACT-touching, sharing food & drink INDIRECT CONTACT-touching shared objects filter & clean it Quarantines won’t be effective if the contagion spread through water.
Typhoid Mary RESISTED & was QUARANTINED. QUARANTINES-separate carriers from the rest of society to keep the germ from spreading…with DIRECT CONTACT cases. Do you think this is fair?
Typhoid Mary promised to wash her hands regularly, to give up cooking as a career and choose a job with less risk. Would you let her go back into society?
Typhoid Mary promised to wash her hands regularly, to give up cooking as a career and choose a job with less risk. Would you let her go back into society? They did.
She changed her name and began work as a laundry lady. But a few years later, another Typhoid outbreak occured in NYC.
She changed her name and began work as a laundry lady. But a few years later, another Typhoid outbreak occured in NYC. Guess who was cooking AND not washing her hands again?
This time they quarantined Typhoid Mary for the rest of her life.
What should society do with “carriers” of deadly infectious diseases? discussion point
Watch the following short Rattattouie movie on the history of the “BLACK DEATH” (a plague that nearly killed us during the middle ages). Identify & write down the CARRIERS, VECTORS, PARASITES AND CONTAGIONS/PATHOGENS
VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES MALARIA- mosquitoes carry harmful protist LYME DISEASE-ticks carry harmful bacteria
PATHOLOGISTS- study the causes & effects of a disease.
PATHOLOGISTS- study the causes & effects of a disease.
PATHOLOGISTS- study the causes & effects of a disease.
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION spread of the disease
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION spread of the disease “Where does it hurt?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “Where does it hurt?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “Where have you been?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “Where have you been?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “How long have you had the rash?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “How long have you had the rash?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “How long have you been travelling?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “How long have you been travelling?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “What have you been eating?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “What have you been eating?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “WHERE have you been eating?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “Where have you been eating?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “Can you take this blood test?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “Can you take this blood test?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “Can you take this blood test?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “Can you take this blood test?”
How fast can an infectious disease spread? We already learned Tuesday…pretty fast.
Brainpop on epidemics & pandemics!
Have students review “Plagues through history” and decide what makes an outbreak an EPIDEMIC or even WORSE PANDEMIC!
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “Will you take this vaccine?”
Contrast… PATHOLOGISTS worried about DIAGNOSING the symptoms EPIDEMIOLOGISTS worried about TRANSMISSION of the disease “Will you take this vaccine?”