Test bench for active bases for SATLAS Photomultipliers Restart of the test bench designed for ATLAS passive bases. Update of the test bench: New PC . Modifications for test the active bases for SATLAS.
Restart of the test bench in its initial configuration Pentium 166MHz PC 1997 : LabVIEW 4. Card interface I / O on the bus of the motherboard. Test of passive bases . Measure of voltages between dynodes. Measure of the capacitors. Updating the test bench PC 2.67GHz Xeon 2009 : LabVIEW 7. USB Interface. Realisation of an electronic card. Change of the communication protocol.
Tests for Passive base Resistors Capacitors 3
Tests for active base Resistors Transistors Capacitors 4
Work already done Electronic card of high voltage power supply. Partial dismantling of the bench test. Modification of the controls on the motherboard. Modification of cables between all the electronic cards.
Work still to do: Wiring of the plate supporting the bed of points of test. Reassembly of all the elements of the test bench. Connection of all the electronics cards. Modification of the software for the additional tests. Test of all the functions and measures.