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Beyond Cats & Dogs: Caring for fish and checking in on chickens Image Placeholder Presented on: September 19, 2017 Presenters: Jordan Di Marco Dogma Catma Pet Sitting Kim Tank Apronstrings Pet Sitting
Dogma Catma Pet Sitting Jordan Di Marco Dogma Catma Pet Sitting
Objectives Understanding the basics of fish keeping Spotting problems and addressing issues while pet sitting Specific questions to ask clients
Freshwater tanks Most common Easier to care for “Beginner” tanks
Saltwater tanks More laborious Fish have specific environments Fish are more delicate (and expensive!)
Bettas Can live in tanks without filtration Males cannot be housed together but can do well in community tanks Betta bowl basics
Goldfish Relatives of carp Should not live in bowls, filtration a must Heavy waste producers Cold water fish
Koi Ponds Pond care and maintenance Hibernation Feeding Filtration and aeration
The Nitrogen Cycle
Breakdown Overcrowding “New Tank Syndrome” Improper/faulty equipment 1” of fish per 1 gallon 2” of fish per 1 gallon (goldfish, carp, koi) 3” of fish per square foot (saltwater) “New Tank Syndrome” Improper/faulty equipment Fish diseases
Water Testing pH measures alkalinity and acidity Freshwater fish do well between 6.5 -7.0 Saltwater fish are more fragile and prefer 8.1-8.5 Water hardiness (dH or GH) Amount of calcium carbonate in the water Salinity Specific gravity, ratio to equal volume distilled Saltwater tanks should maintain 1.020 -1.027 Ammonia, nitrates and nitrites Ideally all 3 of these should measure close to zero Improper balance of chemistry, fish waste, overcrowding
Water testing kits Available where fish are sold Easy to use Will give you a baseline measurement
Feeding fish Flake, pellet and frozen food How much? How often? Different foods for different “environments” within the tank
Lighting Specialized bulbs Lighting for plant photosynthesis Timers
Pet Sitting for fish What should you ask clients? Are lights on timers? Will you need me to do maintenance on the tank while you are away? Familiarize yourself with equipment Do you have a sick tank?
If you don’t know how it works Tank Maintenance Can be complex depending on tank Water changes Filter changes Algae scrub If you don’t know how it works – don’t unplug it!
Tank maintenance tools
Contract Liability concerns PSI contract Sick fish Fish die off Water damage Power outage Faulty or improper equipment PSI contract
Kim Tank Apronstrings Pet Sitting
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: To avoid predators!
Basic Chicken Care
The Nesting Instinct
What Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?