Enlightenment to Revolutions New Philosophies And the American and French Revolutions
New Philosophies John Locke Thomas Hobbes People have natural rights Government works for the people If government fails than the people can overthrow the government Thomas Hobbes People are naturally evil and cruel Government has to control the people
Other new ways of thinking Voltaire Criticized religious prejudice and the slave trade Believed in freedom of speech Baron de Montesquieu Studied various empire in history Believed the best government would divide power up Rousseau Believes in a social contract
New Ideas in Economics Laissez Faire Adam Smith Hands off Means little government regulations or interfernece in business Free trade Adam Smith Book: Wealth of Nations Supported a free market society
The Arts in the Enlightenment Music: Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn Books: Gulliver Travels, Robin Crusoe
American Revolution Britain tried to make America pay for the French and Indian War “No taxation without representation” 1776 America declared freedom from Britain (Declaration of Independence) France helped America during this war Constitution and Bill of Rights
France King Louis XVI Queen Maria Antoinette Congress (3 Estates) Clergy Nobles 3rd Estate (regular people)
Problems in France Bread Riots Only 3rd estate is taxed Tennis court oath 3rd estate declare themselves the National Assembly Storming the Bastille People stormed the political prison and freed all the prisoners
French Revolution Food cost continued to rise as riots took charge of the country Special privileges of the rich abolished Crowds took the King prisoner in his own home New constitution
Death to the King The people sentences both King Louis XVI and Queen Mary Antoinette to death by beheading
Reign of Terror Robespierre Liberty cannot be secured unless criminals lose their heads France started killing everyone considered a traitor to the country by beheading
Napoleon Bonaparte Young General during the revolution Over through new government and set up a three man team of consuls Made himself the main consul later, and then consul for life 2 years later Emperor over France
Reforms Everyone equal under the law Jobs open to everyone No religious discrimination Poor could keep the land they got during the revolution
Military Leader Took over Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, and had alliances with the rest of Europe (except Britain) Later took over Austria
Failed attempt on Russia Napoleon tried to take over Russia Invaded in summer and burned everything to the ground However when winter came, his army was in summer clothes, with no food Soldiers started to freeze to death
Fall of Napoleon Napoleon was exiled to a remote island King Louis XVIII took over France A depression hit France again And the people disliked the new king
Return and Fall of Napoleon Napoleon escaped the island and took over France …again Europe teamed up and attacked France in the battle of Waterloo Napoleon was exiled again, in which he died on the island
Congress of Vienna Redrew the boundaries for countries in Europe Placed Kings in Spain, Portugal, France, and other countries Europe became afraid of the idea of a revolution and a democracy due to France