History Coursework introduction and Summer work Lesson Objectives: You will understand the criteria and what is required in writing the Historical Investigation You will start to decide on the topic for your Historical Investigation To start: What I know already Having completed History coursework last year what would you do the same and what would you do differently? Give at least 2 for each side
Read through the guidelines on Component 3 You will understand the criteria and what is required in writing the Historical Investigation You must complete a 3500 word essay on a span of 100 years You can choose the topic (from a list provided) This is independently researched and written by you Read through the guidelines on Component 3
Fall of the Roman Republic You will understand the criteria and what is required in writing the Historical Investigation Topic choices: The Tudors 1455-1603 The Stuarts French Revolution America 1763+ The Jacobites Medicine through Time European History 1500-1700 Fall of the Roman Republic
You will understand the criteria and what is required in writing the Historical Investigation A few points to consider: You will be given a supervisor who will arrange meetings with you. You must attend any arranged meetings Your supervisor will not help you write this essay but will be able to assist and guide you to write according to the guidelines written by AQA The supervisors are not allowed to mark drafts and hand them back for you to make alterations to. You must adhere to all deadlines you have been given or you risk missing out on any guidance we are allowed to provide If you have a problem with your topic/research/meeting deadlines you must let your supervisor know asap
You will understand the criteria and what is required in writing the Historical Investigation Over the summer you must do some research into your 3 preferred topics to get a good feeling of the topics and the areas you would like to focus on in more detail Deadline number 1: First week back in September You will submit a form stating 3 different choices of topic areas with an indication of the area you would like to study There are no guarantees you will get your first choice so be sure about your 3 topics