An introduction to verbs ‘ESSERE’ & ‘AVERE’ An introduction to verbs
VERBS What are verbs? With your partner make a list of verbs in your books.
Subject Pronouns Subject pronouns stand in for the subject. I, You, He/She, We, They. I went to the shops. You bought some shoes. He did really well in his Italian test. She plays soccer. We are learning Italian. They are going to Italy.
Singular io I tu You lui/lei He/She/It Plural noi We voi You (Plural) loro They
Write which of the subject pronouns you would use in the following examples Lucy: David: Io e tu: Kate: He: We: Georgia e Maria: You, Bob and Mark: Tu e lei: Gli studenti: Cinzia They The teachers I genitori Gli amici
The verbs ‘essere & ‘avere’ Essere means to be Avere means to have Both these verbs are IRREGULAR which means that they don’t follow are pattern and we need to learn them off by heart.
ESSERE: to be Io sono – I am Tu sei – You are Lui/Lei e`- he/she is Noi siamo – we are Voi siete – you(pl) are Loro sono – they are
AVERE: To have Io ho – I have Tu hai – you have Lui/lei ha – he/she have Noi abbiamo – we have Voi avete – You(pl) have Loro hanno – they have
Examples Io sono bella – I am beautiful (girl) Tu sei brutta – you are ugly (girl) Loro sono alti – They are tall (boys) Noi siamo contenti – we are happy Io ho un cane – I have a dog Tu hai una macchina rossa – you have a red car Loro hanno una casa grande – they have a big house.