Long Branch Public Schools Title I Presentation January 13, 2016
Title I ESEA §1115 & ESEA §1114 Two Types of Title I Programs: Targeted Assistance Program-Services to the students identified as having the greatest academic need. Schoolwide Program-Comprehensive program to upgrade the entire educational program as a means to bolster the achievement levels of students having the greatest need.
2015-2016 School Year All schools are Title 1-Schoolwide: Joseph M 2015-2016 School Year All schools are Title 1-Schoolwide: Joseph M. Ferraina Lenna W. Conrow Morris Avenue School Amerigo A. Anastasia George L. Catrambone Gregory School Long Branch Middle School Long Branch High School
The Goal of Title I To provide additional assistance to students who need it most. The funds will help students work towards meeting the New Jersey Department of Education and the Federal Government.
The No Child Left behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 was signed into law on January 8, 2002 by President Bush. The Act represents the President's education reform plan and contains changes to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), enacted in 1965. The Long Branch Public School System receives funding under the NCLB in the following titles: Title I, Part A - Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Title II, Part A - Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund, Grants to States Title III - Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient Students and Immigrant Students
Use of Funds in Schoolwide Programs ESEA § 1114 Funds are supplemental, not programs and services Funds must be used for activities that are “necessary and reasonable” to implement the schoolwide plan and meet legislative intents and purposes Comprehensive needs assessment identifies the activities that are necessary and reasonable Schoolwide plan documents the activities that are necessary and reasonable
Title I Schools… Complete a School Wide Plan including a comprehensive needs assessment Parent Involvement Schools receive an allocation (1% of total grant split between schools) District Parent Involvement Policy Complete a School-Parent Compact “Right to Know” letter to parents Host an annual meeting Language Instruction Letter within 30 days after school starts (children enrolled in a bilingual program)
Long Branch Public Schools Funded Grants website
What Does Funding Support? After School Intervention Programs Parental Involvement Activities Specified Professional Development
District PAC Our first district meeting will be held on Monday, January 25, 2016 from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm in the Long Branch Middle School Media Center. Thank you to all of you who will participate on our school and district PACs this year!
THANK YOU! Bridgette Burtt Funded Grants Supervisor Contact me with any questions: Bridgette Burtt Funded Grants Supervisor E-mail: bburtt@longbranch.k12.nj.us Office Phone: 732-571-2868 ext. 40300