Title 1 Program Overview Parkland School District 2017-2018 Title 1 funds are provided by the government and are utilized to provide extra educational services in reading and math to students in kindergarten through fifth grade in the Parkland School District. The program generally operates October through May. The goal of the program is to strengthen the reading and/or math skills of children who qualify for the program.
How do students qualify? Assessment Data from Core Reading Program STAR Assessments Teacher observation and recommendations Go Math Assessments
Instruction Supports classroom instruction Students do not miss core instruction Varies depending on the needs of individual students Focuses on the critical areas of effective reading…phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary development, and comprehension May include specifically designed review of strategies, skills and problem solving techniques, and additional practice with manipulatives Support in small group settings
Title I Assistants Title I assistants are highly qualified Title I assistants communicate consistently with the classroom teacher and Reading Specialist Questions regarding your child’s progress can be addressed by the classroom teacher or reading specialist
Parent Involvement Title I Website Monthly newsletter via email (Home/School Connection) Title 1 Parent Workshops Parent Visitation Parent Advisory Committee – PAC Support Student with Reading and Math Activities at home Parent/Student/Teacher Compact Title I Website http://www.parklandsd.org/web/title1/