Mrs. Monacelli`s Class Week of January 9th Book We Read: Reminders/ Important Class Info No school Thurs, January 19 and Friday, January 20th for conferences and in-service. Conference sheets were sent home yesterday-please let me know by sending back the sheets if you feel you need a conference with me-thank you Field trip to Planetarium Wednesday, January 25th Don’t forget to sign and return trip form with money. Please bring all outerwear to school everyday-we try to go out everyday with weather permits Have a great weekend and stay warm What we did this week: Theme: We learned all about bears this week-Black bears, polar bears and brown bears. We used the smartboard a lot this week to learn about bears-we watch a bear video, learned about different types of bears, sorted bears and learned about Non-living and Living things and then did another sort with bears that were living and non-living. We made a polar bear during art time as well as a snowman, which are hanging in our room this week. They turned out very cute! Math Centers: Roll and color race –get the bear to his cave, Gummy bear sort-sorting gummy bears to see which color had the most and least, Number 13 worksheet-fill in each bear with the number 13 and connect the dot bear sheet with number practice on the back. Writers Workshop/Readers Workshop-Read Golidlocks and the Three Bears, we also acted it out and then watched the video of the book. The children really enjoyed acting it out-check it out on Facebook We also wrote about what we like to do with our teddy bears at home-wait for the take home book to circulate to your house. We had PALS testing Thursday and Friday of this week and the children did great! Book We Read: Goldilocks and The Three Bears The Three Snow Bears Little Bear Silly Seal Makes A Sandwhich Next Week`s Theme: Solar System