Burlington High School Burlington, Wisconsin B-Town Cafe Burlington High School Burlington, Wisconsin
started last year based out of one of our classrooms staffed by special education and regular education students special education students get credit or service learning hours for working regular education students get service learning hours
Jobs include: cashier delivery cart clean-up crew accounting inventory stocking shoppers product preparation coffee maker/server
Evaluation Process Students and supervisors complete a weekly self-reflection sheet Students meet with supervisor to discuss performance, ratings, and goals for following week Students are "paid" weekly, earning a beverage of their choice
Gains for students social interaction with regular education peers interaction with various school staff members and community members situation for them to be more independent, out-going and responsible leaders have emerged
Challenges food service regulations start-up money limits because of being non-profit price of equipment and repair product ordering management delivery/obtaining supplies
Contact us if you have questions: Amy Anhold Special Education Teacher aanhold@basd.k12.wi.us Michelle LeBas-Bowen, M.S., CCC/SLP Speech/Language Pathologist mlebas-bowen@basd.k12.wi.us