TG 1 March Session Closing Report


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Presentation transcript:

802.19 TG 1 March Session Closing Report doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 March 2012 802.19 TG 1 March Session Closing Report Author: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.19. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Tuncer Baykas, NICT Tuncer Baykas, NICT

March 2012 Abstract This document is prepared to summarize activities of 802.19 TG1 during March session Tuncer Baykas, NICT

March 2012 Before March Session Motions for comment resolutions of TG review #2. (January meeting) New Task Group Editor Mika Kasslin, (January session) Task Group Subeditors S. Filin H. Kang Editors provided a new version of the draft. It is available in member area. 3 Teleconferences, Feb 8th (32r0) Feb 29th (33r0), March 7th (36r0) Discussion Topics Status of the draft New contributions Tuncer Baykas, NICT

Goals for March meeting Identify missing parts in the draft Review of the new draft by the editor Vote to accept new draft as official draft of the TG1. Recruit volunteers to bring the text for missing parts Discuss and vote on text contributions Incorporation of new text to the draft Discuss to forward the draft to WG for letter ballot Tuncer Baykas, NICT

March Session Group accepted 2.07 as draft normative text. Two motions to update the draft with below contributions 12/41r1 Decision Topology Definitions 11/135r2 Comment resolution -- CID 44 Group accepted 2.08 as draft normative text. Motion to forward 2.08 to WG passed. Other Contributions 12/43r0 Temporary resource release mechanism proposal 12/42r0 A conflict handling proposal for distributed decision making 12/39r1 Coexistence of CMs with different decision making algorithms 12/16r2 Measurements and measurement reporting 12/4r2 Possible Action Items Tuncer Baykas, NICT

May Session Plans Review of the draft March 2012 May Session Plans Review of the draft Comment resolution of letter ballot. Teleconferences: Weekly on Wednesdays starting March 28th. Time: 1:00 AM ET for up to 1.5 hours. Tuncer Baykas, NICT

Timeline March 2012 x x x Tuncer Baykas, NICT 2010 2011 2012 2013 1 3   2010 2011 2012 2013 1 3 5 7 9 11 Task Group formed x System Design Document completed Call for Proposals issued Contribution presentations with straw polls x  Proposal presentations Round of votes on proposals in clause order Create candidate draft document Comment ballot on the candidate draft  x Comment resolutions on the candidate draft Adoption of draft normative text Letter ballot Comment Resolution Recirculation Ballot Comment Resolution Tuncer Baykas, NICT