Dosbarth Enfys Autumn ‘Sound and Light’ Science: Learning to be based around the topic of sound and light e.g. considering different types of sounds and investigating clothing to help keep us safe at night. History: Focus on time, the history of light sources, day and night, daily sequences and events. Design and Technology: Creating own musical instruments, making apple and blackberry pies for harvest festival and junk modelling. Visits/ visitors – e.g. visit to church, class trips, visit from a police officer. Harvest festival celebrations and classroom activities. Church visit and exploring key aspects of a church. Christmas linked activities. Keeping myself safe. Values education. Phonological, grapheme and mark making activities. Reading activities and listening to individual readers. Daily Letters and Sounds sessions. Writing activities to include lists, invitations, news, cards, letters and book making. Nursery rhymes and songs. Story map making and story sequencing. Use of a variety of stories and poems. Writing corner, reading area and role play area. Dosbarth Enfys Autumn ‘Sound and Light’ Art: Autumn printing and sketching. Colour naming and sorting. Night and day linked art. Play with mirrors, shadows and reflections. Study of Van Gogh and Knapp Fisher. Music: Creating and using own musical instruments. Experimenting with the volume and speed of music. Harvest festival class performance. Number activities up to 10/15. Practical addition, subtraction and problem solving. Use of number songs and rhymes. Practical measuring, comparing and ordering. Shape and pattern activities e.g. shape hunt and shape printing. Adventurous and physical play. Use of large and small apparatus. Creative movement. Activities to enhance both fine motor and gross motor skills. Healthy eating and living. Use of Welsh throughout daily routines, songs and daily language. Welsh practise sessions. Asking and answering basic questions such as what’s your name and how are you feeling. The weather and days of the week.