Integrating Quotes Miss Johnson
1. Full Sentence and a Colon Example: In The Iliad, Achilles is faced with a choice between two fates: “My mother Thetis, a moving silver grace, / Tells me two fates sweep me on to my death. / If I stay here and fight, I’ll never return home, / But my glory will be undying forever. / If I return home to my dear fatherland / My glory is lost but my life will be long, / And death that ends all will not catch me soon” (141). Example: By dragging Hector’s body behind his chariot, Achilles is utterly shaming him: “But it was shame and defilement Achilles / Had in mind for Hector” (183).
2. Phrase and a Comma Example: Hector taunts Patroclus when he says, “you thought you could ransack my city / And ship our women back to Greece to be your slaves. / You little fool” (157). Example: Achilles shows his refusal to respect Hector’s body after his death when he says, “Don’t try to cut any deals with me, Hector. / Do lions make peace treaties with men? / Do wolves and lambs agree to get along?” (180).
Quotations a Part of Your Sentence- No Punctuation Example: The gods show their lack of morality by “laughing / At the sight of Hephaestus hustling through the halls” (121). Example: Hector demonstrates the Greeks’ belief that men were built for war when he says that “War is the work of men, / Of all the Trojan men, and mine especially” (131). THE SECOND BEST WAY TO INTEGRATE QUOTES
Short Quotations Apart of Your Sentence Example: Although Briseis left Achilles “in tears”, there is little evidence that she truly loved him (). Example: Achilles reminds Agamemnon that he never receives an “equal” prize to that of Agamemnon even though he does “all the dirty work” (111). THE BEST WAY TO INTEGRATE QUOTES INTO YOUR SENTENCE
Citing a Quote Citation goes at the END of the sentence For every quote you must include in-text citations They look like this: (Tolkien 1). Parentheses + Last Name of Author + Page Number + Parentheses + Period … rage” (Lombardo 107). Citation goes at the END of the sentence If there is no author, use the translator If there is no translator, include just the page number
Things to Remember Be selective in what you quote You don’t need to quote whole paragraphs unless you plan on analyzing and discussing that whole paragraph Do not use quotations from the text to summarize or tell the story There should always be more analysis than summary Do not “quote dump”. The only punctuations used in integrating quotes are the comma (,) and the colon (:). Never use the semi-colon (;)
Works Cited Author. Title. Title of container (self contained if book), Other contributors (translators or editors), Version (edition), Number (vol. and/or no.), Publisher, Publication Date, Location (pages, paragraphs URL or DOI). 2nd container’s title, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location, Date of Access (if applicable). Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Date.