Army ROTC Scholarships Mr. Michael Hudson Mr. Mark Boylan 502-624-6998 502-624-1739
Agenda Why this matters to you Overview of Board and Selection Process Scholarship Types Where to find online application How you can help Additional Opportunities Questions
Why This Matters To You Face of the Army Dual Win: College and Army Students will seek you Increase your knowledge of the application process Dual Win: College and Army
Overview of National Scholarship “Selection” Process Prospect applies online 12 Jun (after Jr Year) – 10 Jan (Sr Year) Prospect interviews with local ROTC program Jun (after Jr Year) – Feb (Sr Year)---- “PMS Interview” PMS’s review board files and school entrance eligibility HQCC conducts 3 scholarship boards Oct (Sr Year) – Mar (Sr Year) HQCC mails letters to scholarship winners with selected school choices Prospect receives offer letter and accepts scholarship offer to normally 1 of up to 3 school choices (within 30 days)
2016-2017 Board Schedule 1st High School Selection Board Deadline for Documents 2-Oct-15 1st High School Board-Ready List PMS Deadline 16-Oct-15 1st High School Selection Board 19-Oct-15 2nd High School Selection Board Deadline for Documents 5-Jan-16 2nd High School Board-Ready List PMS Deadline 22-Jan-16 2nd High School Selection Board 25-Jan-16 4-Year High School Application Deadline for SY 16-17 10-Jan-16 Final (3rd) High School Selection Board Deadline for Documents -- Missing Items 29-Feb-16 3rd High School Board-Ready List PMS Deadline 4-Mar-16 Final (3rd) High School Selection Board 7-Mar-16
Scholarship Types 4-Year and 3-Year Advanced Designee (3AD) Line Nurse Special (Must ID) JROTC Military Junior Colleges (MJC) Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)
Available Army ROTC Scholarships Scholarship Allocations and Types CATEGORY 4YR 3.5YR 3AD 3YR 2.5YR 2AD 2YR 1.5YR or 3Sem Option (1 YR) LINE NURSE Ded GRFD GRFD LANG G2G MJC MJC ONLY 2+2 MJC ONLY 4-YEAR 3-YEAR 2-YEAR SMC ONLY SMC ONLY SMC ONLY SMC ONLY SMC ONLY Incentives Division manages 49 different scholarships through G2, HQCC. 16 General scholarships (line and language) 8 Nurse scholarships 9 Reserve Component scholarships 8 Military Junior College specific scholarships 5 Senior Military College specific scholarships 3 current soldiers scholarships (Green-to-Gold) There are 2 ways to apply and is determined from where the applicant is approaching the process: National and Campus. Line and Language are similar and are treated the same except for the Academic Major. Nurses are watched by outside commands which feed requirements, thus shaping our goals. Nurses have penalties for changing majors. Ded GRFD and GRFD will be taught after lunch. G2G are considered part of the national process and apply online. Questions would be sent to G2G processors MJC’s are different and because they are only at 5 schools are taught by Scholarship Program Manager and 1st BDE. 2+2 are high school or campus scholarships but start at an MJC. They are guaranteed transfer to a 4-yr school to complete the program and commission if they graduate with an Associate’s Degree from the MJC. National Campus-Based
3-Year Advanced Designee A 3-year Advanced Designee (3AD) scholarship is a 4-year scholarship that does not pay benefits the first year, pending one-year validation by the PMS. For benefits to start: - be enrolled in ROTC classes during the entire first year and successfully complete MS1. - have achieved a 2.5 or higher academic CGPA and a 3.0 ROTC GPA at the end of their MS1 year. - be qualified, medically and administratively. pass the APFT at the 60/60/60 standard, prior to contracting.
How To Register With “GoArmy” And Begin An Application Click here
How To Register With “GoArmy” And Begin An Application (cont’d) Now click here
How To Register With “GoArmy” And Begin An Application (cont’d) 1st-time user clicks here to create account. Returning user clicks here to re-login to application
Application Dashboard
Application The tabs above show status and allow easy navigation of application areas Any errors on the page will be reflected here
Selection Status
Facts about the National Scholarship “Selection” Board In order for a Prospect’s File to be reviewed by the Selection board, HQCC must have Copy of Student’s High School Transcript An ROTC Physical Fitness Assessment Validated SAT/ACT to HQCC (copies of scores or electronic validation) PMS Interview Prospect boarded only one time but considered during each scholarship round until selected or boards completed Re-boards for admin errors only Board points are 25% of the Whole Person Score
4-Year Scholarship Selection Considerations Selection Board Evaluation Factors: Military Potential Athletic Participation JROTC Participation Physical Fitness Program Motivation Officer Evaluation Personal Factors Leadership Participation Non-School Activities Character Exceptional Achievement Technical Interest Scholarship Math/Science Achievements Intellectual Motivation Personal Statement Quality Index Factors High School Class Rank/GPA (≥ 2.5) SAT (≥ 920) / ACT (≥ 19) Scores PMS Interview
*Includes winners from previous boards Board Process Diagram Month OCT JAN MAR # New Files 3000 4000 6000 + + = = # OML Files 3000 6600 11900 + Selection 400 700 900 400 1100* 2000* Total Offers Following the September Board 300 files are received and boarded 100 people are selected for a scholarship and made offers The remaining 200 are added to 400 new files that are received and board in OCT for a total of 600 OML scores 300 are selected from this board to make 400 total offers and 300 OML scores sent forward to the November board Reinserted into Next OML 2600 5900 11000 *Includes winners from previous boards
Winner Profile Mission Set 2018 Percentage 2016 2017 2018 Top 5% of Class 48% 44% 41% Top 25% of Class 85% 82% 78% Top 50% of Class 97% 97% 95% Presidents of Student Body or Sr. Class 15% 16% 7% Other Class Officers 39% 43% 29% National Honor Society 49% 49% 56% Varsity Letter Winners 80% 82% 65% Varsity Team Captains 60% 61% 45% Club Presidents 7% 7% 15% JROTC Participants 26% 28% 27% 4 Year College Board Mean 1267 1253 1247 National College Board Mean 1010 1010 1010* High School GPA 3.7 3.6 3.6
How You Can Help Be familiar with the process Interview Preparation Submit an application Know timelines Encourage early submission Interview Preparation Practice the interview Uniform Encourage Start with Freshmen Scholar, Athlete, Leader
Additional Opportunities Campus-based Scholarships Army National Guard and Army Reserves Military Junior Colleges
Branch Email: Scholarship Processing Branch Points of Contact Branch Email: Position POC E-mail Address Phone Scholarship Processing Manager Joyce Davis (502) 624-1079 Scholarship Processing Branch Chief Kathleen Barnes (502) 624-7371 Applicants: A-CUR Charles Black (502) 624-6947 Applicants: CUS-HOE James Tilburg (502) 624-6965 Applicants: HOF-ME James Sedlak (502) 624-6943 Applicants: MF-SCI Jeff Pullen (502) 624-6942 Applicants: SCJ-ZZZ Shadonne Pennyman (502) 624-6951 Fax Server: (502) 624-1120
Questions? Mr. Michael Hudson Mr. Mark Boylan 502-624-6998 502-624-1739
Final Slide