Artistic sisters in action October 2012 Updates: Artistic sisters in action
We had a big art project on one of the weekends: The girls made “buttons trees” on canvas – thanks Sarit for the great idea! Hahgoot painted her own tree and I drew a tree for Alma, but she quickly added her own touch...
When the girls finished painting the canvases in their own style, they chose buttons
Next they stuck the buttons on using white glue
Hahgoot opted for a much less messy activity. Alma made various hand prints and also printed using a toilet roll with a string on it. Hahgoot opted for a much less messy activity.
I showed the girls how to make some cool new patterns using a stencil (made from leftover pieces from something else) and they loved it!
Alma especially loved the stencilling!
Hahgoot did some “messy art” too, and they chose pictures to send their grandparents in Tel-Aviv and Deena and Emma in Concord.
Next, the girls worked together on a collaborative artwork
They worked beautifully together – they are my best students!
We had a very productive “artistic workshop” and lots of fun!
In our next presentation: More sisterly fun!