Chapter 13: The Early Middle Ages
Section 1: Charlemagne’s Empire Chapter 13: The Early Middle Ages Section 1: Charlemagne’s Empire
Charlemagne Charlemagne became king of the Franks in 768. His power came from his military power. Pope Leo III called on Charlemagne to help defend the Papal States from the Lombards.
Charlemagne Charlemagne soon became king of the Lombards and Franks. He would also become king of the Roman people by 799.
How did Charlemagne build the Frankish Empire? By serving the Frankish king and than taking the throne Captured new lands and supported the pope Pope crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Roman people
Charlemagne’s Empire
Charlemagne Charlemagne ruled with tremendous power. He established a capital in Aachen and chose counts to rule his empire in his name. In return, counts were given land grants and authority. Charlemagne would send inspectors around his empire to keep tabs on the counts.
Charlemagne Charlemagne wanted rulers who could read and write. Schools were started by monasteries and monasteries were staffed by educated priests and monks.
Charlemagne Charlemagne also wanted Christianity spread throughout his empire. If you conquered people didn’t convert, they would be killed.
Charlemagne’s contributions in a new society Encouraged learning Built schools Expanded Christianity Created a single law code
Chapter 13: The Early Middle Ages Section 2: New Invaders
The Vikings Vikings came from Northern Europe, where they lived in Scandinavia. They lived in a mostly rural and agricultural society. When short on food, they went on raids.
The Vikings were skilled navigators. Their first raids took place in England and Northern France. The Vikings would use swords, axes, spears, and shields to attack
The Vikings They would kill or capture anyone that stood in their way. Captives would be sold into slavery.
The Vikings Vikings settled other countries as well: Iceland in the 700s and Greenland in 982. Leif Eriksson reached North America in 1082.
Europeans feared the Vikings Traveled quickly Surprise attacks Captured or killed anyone who tried to stop them
The Magyars The Magyars started invading Europe from the East. They were nomads who settled in what is now Hungary. They attacked by horseback and usually attacked small, less defended places.
The Muslims Muslims started raiding Southern Italy and France during the 800s and 900s. They would attack in small, fast attacks. Muslims would also gain Christian strongholds in Rome.
Muslims raid towns in southern France Because of their failed invasion in the 700’s the Muslims focused on small towns, attacking churches
Section 3: The Feudal and Manorial system Chapter 13: The Early Middle Ages Section 3: The Feudal and Manorial system
Feudalism Feudalism started because kings in Europe needed protection. Kings and nobles built castles, usually on hilltops.
Feudalism Knights were used to defend the castle. Knights were usually paid by land, called a fief. Anyone who accepted a fief was called a vassal and the person whom he accepted it was his lord. This is the Feudal System
Feudalism A knight’s chief duty was to provide military service to his lord. If a lord was captured in battle, the knight was obliged to pay ransom for his release. A lord had to treat his knights fairly and not demand too much of their money and time.
Manorial System Manors were usually owned by wealthy lords or knights. Lords needed people to farm these land so they used peasants. Manor lords would give protection and land plots in return for labor.
Manorial System Most peasants that worked in manors were serfs. Serfs were not free to leave the manor or marry without permission from the lord. Serfdom was hereditary.
Manorial System Three Field System was developed during this time. One field would be planted in the spring, another in fall, and other would be left alone for a year.
Duties and obligations of feudal system Relationships between knights and lords Knights provided military service in exchange for land The lord is responsible for treating the knights fairly
Manorial system governs medieval economy Economy based on agriculture. The lords employed peasants and serfs to farm land in return the peasants received a place to live, food, and protection.
Daily life on the manor Hard work with little leisure time
Section 4: The Growth of Monarchies Chapter 13: The Early Middle Ages Section 4: The Growth of Monarchies
The Anglo-Saxons were rulers of England that divided it up into seven kingdoms. Vikings would invade England in the 800s and conquer some of the kingdoms. Alfred the Great would drive the Vikings out for good by 878.
In 1066, the king of England died without an heir. Harold would be named king which angered William. Their armies met at the Battle of Hastings, which was won by William the Conqueror.
William the Conquerer William was a strong ruler. When he died his great grandson, Henry II, would take over. He claimed French land when he married Eleanor of Aquitaine.
King John and the Magna Carta King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215. Limited the king’s power. Parliament would be formed during the 1260s which would become England’s governing body.
English monarchy English monarchy grows English monarchy changes Nobles loyal to the king. King has great power and expanded territories English monarchy changes Magna Carta is signed by King John which limited kings power
Otto the Great When Charlemagne died, his empire was divided into two pieces. Otto the Great became king of Germany and tried to unite the German states. He would become emperor of the Romans in 962, creating the Holy Roman Empire.
Section 5: Power of the church Chapter 13; The Early Middle Ages Section 5: Power of the church
Power of the Church The pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church. They were powerful political figures during the Middle Ages. Around 1100, there was an upswing of piety in Europe, which is a person’s devotion to the Church.
Power of the Church Leo IX would start to reform the Church in 1049. He helped put an end to simony and excommunicated bishops that were guilty of it.
Power of the Church Leo upset many people when he excommunicated the bishop of Constantinople in 1054, which caused a split. Roman Catholics agreed with Leo and people who sided with the bishop were Orthodox.
Power of the Church In the Early Middle Ages, monasteries were being set up all across Europe. They were paid for by local rulers. By the early 900s, monks decided that monasteries should be strictly religious places.
Nature and influence of religion Almost all Europeans were Christian at this time. Christianity united the Europeans What led to the growth of papal (pope power) in Europe Popes became more involved in governing church, retained power to name bishops and excommunicated kings