World History Ms. Shaffer Charlemagne’s Empire World History Ms. Shaffer
Charlemagne Through conquest and social change, Charlemagne brought together much of western Europe into a single Empire.
An Emperor is Crowned Charlemagne was crowned in 800 Fall of Rome caused Europe to enter a period of political, social and economic change Small kingdoms competed to control land- The Franks controlled much of Europe (Carolingian-Charlemagne’s family)
The Family Tree Charles Martel was the grandfather of Charlemagne One of the first Carolingian family to gain power Not a king but a political adviser and war leader for the Frankish king
Pippin III Martel’s son was the first king of the Carolingian dynasty Forced the old Frankish king to step down Charlemagne’s father
Charles the Great Foundation of his success was military power When he defeated people-he added their land to his empire
Charlemagne and the Pope Lombards attacked the Papal states in central Italy Pope Leo III asked Charlemagne for help Continued asking for assistance over time Named him “Emperor of the Roman People” Title implied that Charlemagne had restored the glory of the Roman Empire Implied his rule had the full backing of the Church and God
Change? Selected a permanent capital at Aachen Chose officials to rule over parts of the empire-made them swear an oath and rewarded them with land-called them counts Sent inspectors to keep tabs on count
Education Pro-education-wanted people to be able to read and write Ordered churches and monasteries to start schools Invited scholars from all over Europe
The role of the Church Spread Christianity Worked with Church to created unified Christian Empire Recorded laws and issued many new laws that enforced Christian teachings
Death Charlemagne died in 814 Regional kings grew stronger and disunity spread Grandsons divided empire into 3 Weakened empire challenged by invaders