ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Does America have a moral responsibility to be the world’s policeman? G.H.W. Bush and Clinton
TEKS and Objectives We will… I will… (10E) describe the Contract with America (11A) describe U.S. involvement in the Cold War, the Persian War, and the Balkans Crisis (13A) describe effects of Rust Belt to Sun Belt (17C) describe impact of defense spending (18A) describe roles of Bill Gates, Sam Walton, Estee Lauder, Lionel Sosa, and others (19C) describe effects of Bill Clinton’s impeachment (19E) evaluate pros and cons of U.S. participation in international organizations and treaties (24B) evaluate contributions of Hillary Clinton Summarize key events and characteristics of the Bush and Clinton Administrations
George H.W. Bush Presidency (1989-1993) George H.W. Bush Presidency
Election of 1988 Michael S. Dukakis (D) George H. W. Bush Governor of Massachusetts George H. W. Bush Served 8 years a VP under Reagan Promised to continue Reagan’s policies Promised to improve education and fight drugs
Domestic Policy Impact of Defense Spending on U.S. Economy Short term: creates jobs Long term: diverts resources that can have other uses, higher taxes, increased debt, less money available for social services
Domestic Policy Supreme Court Appointments Appointed 2 Justices Led to conservative majority Tougher rules for criminal defendants Reduced abortion rights
Domestic Policy Causes of the 1990 Recession Effects reduced spending by consumers, corporations, and government Greater foreign competition decreased demand for American goods Effects Rust Belt (areas of Northeast and Midwest) industries collapsed Many lay-offs and jobs lost to Mexico and overseas
Civil Rights and Unrest Rodney King Riots (1992) African-American beaten by police on video in Los Angeles Jury found officers not guilty 70 killed in riots
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Landmark Legislation Prohibited discrimination against people with disabilities Restaurants, hotels, theaters had to install accessible areas for wheelchairs Employers had to make special accommodations
Foreign Policy The Invasion of Panama (1980) Manual Noriega was dictator/drug dealer Bush sent forces to restore democratically-elected leader Noriega captured/convicted on drug charges
Foreign Policy End of the Cold War (1989- 1991) Berlin Wall torn down Germany reunited Soviet Union dissolved
Foreign Policy The Gulf War (1990) Saddam Hussein, Iraqi leader invaded Kuwait (oil reserves) Some feared invasion of Saudi Arabia (more oil) UN Forces (led by U.S.) launched attack Hussain removed troops and paid Kuwait for damages
Foreign Policy Somalia (1992) Bush began humanitarian airlift of food/supplies to war-torn Somalia (Northeast Africa) Local warlords/bandits stole food shipments U.S. sent troops (Blackhawk Down)
1993-2001 Clinton Presidency
Election of 1992 G.H.W. Bush (R) Bill Clinton (D) Plagued by recession Bill Clinton (D) Governor of Arkansas Ross Perot (Third Party) Received 20% of votes Most successful third party candidate in history Split Republican vote, making Clinton the winner
Domestic Policy First Budget Limited federal spending Increased income tax to 40% on the wealthy Cut taxes for low-income Americans Introduced federal gasoline tax
Domestic Policy Health Care Reform Hillary Clinton advocated for better health care for uninsured/underinsured None of their plans passed by Congress
Domestic Policy Economic Policy Growing computer industry Eliminated Cold War Restrictions Reduced military spending Closed military bases Balanced the budget
Domestic Policy Economy at the End of Presidency Unemployment down/consumer spending up Business profits at all-time highs Surplus of income over expenses Best economy is U.S. history
Domestic Policy The Contract with America Newt Gingrich, Republican Speaker of the House Promise by Republican candidates to the American people Sought conservative reforms for the federal government
The first Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives in 40 years, Newt Gingrich wrote about the Contract with America., that “there is no comparable Congressional document in our two-hundred year history.” “We intend to restore accountability to Congress. On the first meeting of Congress, the new Republican majority will immediately pass the following reforms, aimed at restoring the trust of the American people in their government: First, require all laws that apply to the country also apply equally to Congress; Second, select an independent auditing firm to conduct a comprehensive audit of Congress for waste, fraud or abuse; Third, cut the number of House committees, and cut committee staff by one-third; Fourth, limit the terms of all committee chairmen; Fifth, require committee meetings to be open to the public; Sixth, require a three-fifths majority vote to pass a tax increase.”
Impeachment and Scandal Sex Scandal Independent prosecutor uncovered a sexual affair between Clinton and a White House intern Clinton lied about the affair under oath
Impeachment and Scandal Process for Removing President Impeachment (formal accusation by the House of Representatives) requires majority vote in House Trial and conviction requires 2/3 vote in the Senate Republicans in the House impeached Not enough votes in the Senate for conviction
Foreign Policy Yugoslavia, Bosnia, and Kosovo Countries in the Balkans region created after WWII Yugoslavia dissolved at end of Cold War Fighting between Muslim Bosnians and Christian Serbs
Foreign Policy Bosnian Genocide Serbs attempted to massacre Muslim civilians in “ethnic cleansing” campaign Clinton used NATO airstrikes against Serbia Helped negotiate peace and end bloodshed
Foreign Policy China U.S. missiles accidentally hit Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia Chinese nationalists marched on U.S. embassy in Beijing U.S.-Chinese relations mended and U.S. helped China join WTO
Foreign Policy Russia Israel Somalia Maintained friendly relationship with Boris Yeltsin Israel Followed Bush’s lead in working towards peace Somalia Unable to end war Clinton withdrew troops
Foreign Policy Haiti Iraq Military coup overthrew priest elected to power Clinton sent troops to restore Aristide to power Iraq Clinton airlifted troops to pressure Hussain to withdraw from Kuwait border Forced Hussain to allow UN inspectors searching for nuclear/biological weapons
Participation in International Organizations North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Initiated by Bush Pushed through Congress by Clinton Created a trade association with Mexico and Canada Eliminated trade barriers between the three countries
Participation in International Organizations Supporters of NAFTA Helps stimulate economies in all countries involved Critics of NAFTA Freed trade = loss of manufacturing jobs Countries w/cheap labor have an unfair advantage (no environmental laws, social services, or minimum wage)
Participation in International Organizations General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Formed in 1947 to increase trade by lowering tariffs World Trade Organization (WTO) Replaced GATT in 1994 Establishes rules for global trade Helps settle trade disputes Accelerated globalization
Participation in International Organizations (make a t-chart in your notebook) Pros Cons Global cooperation = improved economies and security Provides U.S. a pace to state its views Strengthens relationship between countries Work together to tackle global issues (i.e. environment) Helps spread democracy around the world May place voluntary limits on a nation’s sovereignty Involve the U.S. in problems around the world Cos the U.S. billions of dollars to support
Achieving the American Dream Bill Gates Co-founder of Microsoft Software a part of almost all personal computers in the world
Achieving the American Dream Sam Walton Started a small store in Arkansas Walmart and Sam’s Club are world’s largest retailer
Achieving the American Dream Estee Lauder Jewish New Yorker Founded cosmetic company Pioneered the “giveaway promotion”
Achieving the American Dream Robert Johnson First African-American billionaire Founder of BET Owner of the Charlotte Bobcats (NBA)
Achieving the American Dream Lionel Sosa Founded largest Hispanic advertising agency in U.S. Political consultant for several Republican Presidents