Telehealth & Innovation Identified Area for Improvement: Review of telehealth, telemedicine and telecare has been commissioned to: Undertake a structured benchmarking exercise of telehealth, telecare and telemedicine activity across Wales; and Investigate activities that present opportunities for adoption or expansion in Hywel Dda, Powys and Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board areas and the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust.
Telehealth & Innovation Progress to Date: Project launched at the Health Technology and Telehealth Network on 21st September 2015 Data collection template issued to 29 organisations and 9 responses received by 13th November 2015 Benchmarking has included library searches for published evidence and experience and examples from across the UK and Europe
The Benefits to Mid Wales: Telehealth & Innovation The Benefits to Mid Wales: Report will be complete by mid December 2015 and will provide the Telehealth & Innovation Sub Group with a platform from which a determined drive by the MWHC for greater use of telehealth capacity can be launched Preliminary findings have identified an opportunity to unlock capacity in the video conferencing infrastructure to remove barriers for at least ten services/projects