Human Development Index IB Global Politics UWC Costa Rica
The definition a composite statistic of life expectancy, education, and income per capita indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development
Wealth, Health and Education Components of HDI GNI per capita Life expectancy Comparing expected years of schooling for current school children and mean years of schooling for adults aged 25 Wealth, Health and Education
Evaluating HDI Advantages Disadvantages Composite indicator containing three elements. Better than just looking at money. It allows comparison between regions and countries Has been existence since 1990 so allows temporal changes Allows for analysis of different components Does not take into account environmental factors e.g. China Data could be unreliable, incomplete or unavailable It is an average and does not show internal disparities Does not measure factors like human rights, gender and corruption Literacy measurement changed in 2011 so may make literacy comparisons harder