The Multi-Disciplinary UCEDD David T. Mitchell, Executive Director Institute on Disabilities Temple University
Future development of UCEDDs Under-development of pre-service educational training initiative within universities Need to transform universities as well as communities Disability Studies as expertise for disability-based professionals
Cross-Disciplinary Expertise Cross-disciplinary expertise of UCEDDs allow them to function like interdisciplinary departments Exert influence across every discipline Course infusions & course hosting Disability into diversity missions of university
Professionalization Professionalization of students with disabilities at highest level of academy Professions that traditionally oversee pwds should be actively seeking to train those who form the base of clientele Transformation of devalued experience into scholarly contribution (site of knowledge production vs. object of intervention)
Systemic Accessibility Need to implement systemic accessibility (design, operations, supports) parallel to ILCs UCEDDs must become proactive employers of pwds – particularly at the highest levels of management On-Site PAs & travel-related assistance Accessible tech for all UCEDD operations Proactive employment – staff should reflect clientele Current directors stepping down need to turn network into less exclusive club (move to identity-based network for future generations of leaders)