Amelia County – FY18 Budget Draft
Budget Breakdown by Fund: FY17 Budgeted Expenditures FY18 Budgeted Expenditures Increase (Decrease) General Fund $ 11,459,804 $ 11,460,056 $ 252 Capital Improvement Fund $ 1,007,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 193,000 Water and Sewer Fund $ 873,483 $ 868,489 $ (4,994) School Funds $ 18,117,601 $ 18,327,898 $ 210,297 Total Budget $ 31,457,888 $ 31,856,443 $ 398,555 General fund expenditures include 1.5% salary increase (58,000) and 10% health ins increase (38,000). Have found other savings for total zero net change. CIP revenues are decreasing School budget reflects my own projections, as nothing was given to County Administrator’s office.
A Closer Look at Our General Fund -FY16 unassigned fund balance was $5,830,061 - 36% of fund’s expenditures. -FY16 net change in fund balance=($461,920). FY17 budgeted net change in fund balance=($439,888). This cannot be sustained. -Options to fund the shortage of revenues: 1) Real Estate tax increase 2) Meals tax implementation 3) Water / Sewer rate increase General Property Taxes $ 8,413,751 Other Local Revenues $ 2,549,016 State and Federal Revenues $ 4,568,760 Transfers In $ 519,794 Total Revenues $ 16,051,321 Expenditures $ 11,460,041 Transfer to School Funds $ 5,000,000 Total Expenditures $ 16,460,041 Net Change in Fund Balance ($408,720) Fund Balance vs reserves – terms used interchangeably.
Options to Close the Revenue Gap Real Estate tax increase: a one cent increase brings in roughly $105,000 to the general fund. Meals tax implementation: a 4.5% meals tax implementation brings in roughly $206,000. Water / Sewer tax increase: a water and sewer rate increase from $0.0045 to $0.009 per gallon would bring in roughly $27,000, which would allow for 50% self-support for the enterprise fund. Water rates last increased in 2007, and sewer rates last increased in 1995. Water and sewer increase could certainly be phased in over a 3-year period but we need to be more self-supporting.
Our County-Wide Revenues Total Decrease - $1,092,698 - Landfill revenue accounts for this large decrease – will be going from 175,000 budgeted a month (have been receiving 350,000/month) to $30,000 a month
General Fund Expenditures NOTE – This represent only General Fund Expenditures. Education expenses are 58% of bottom line budget.
School Contribution Summary Have received no budget request from Schools as of 03.09.17. Total ACTUAL school expenditures for FY16: $17,657,586. Note: FY16, FY15, and FY14 school carryover dollars were $63,575, $793,892, and $466,646, respectively. School carryover dollars represent unused budgeted local contribution dollars. Amelia’s FY18 Required Local Effort as projected by Department of Education = $3,725,817. Currently budgeting for 34% higher than RLE. Schools’ budget equals 58% of total bottom-line budget. FY17 FY18 Difference State Funds $11,247,688 $11,295,075 $ 47,387 Federal Funds 1,414,587 1,391,123 (23,464) County Funds 4,724,354 5,000,000 275,646 Textbook Cont. from Gen Fund 51,982 (51,982) Cafeteria Beg Fund Balance 75,000 (75,000) Other Funds 603,990 641,700 37,710 TOTAL $18,117,601 $18,327,898 $210,297
How Do We Look Currently? General Fund is on target to spend close to all budgeted expenditures and collect above budgeted revenues, leading to a slightly smaller pull from fund balance than planned. Had predicted pulling $439,988 from fund balance. CIP Fund will expend far less than what was budgeted, and will also collect far more than what was budgeted for in revenues. Too soon to predict this change in fund balance, but a fairly large increase is expected. Transfer from General Fund to Sanitary District is expected to be less than what was budgeted – leads to savings in General Fund. Currently in a good financial position – but this must be maintained through forward thinking and avoidance of pulling from General Fund reserves year after year.
Anticipated Budget Schedule SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT 12.02.16 through 02.28.17 - Drafting of budget based on department requests March 15 Presentation of Draft 16 17 18 19 20 Budget Worksessions as needed- 21 ---------------------- 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ----------------------- 31 ---------------------I April 1 2 3 Ad to Amelia Bulletin Monitor 4 5 6 Advertisement Date 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Public Hearing Adoption of Budget May 1