Carlisle Public School FY’17 School Committee Budget Hearing Presentation March 9, 2016
District Goals Provide a rich curriculum in order to maximize student learning Build a community of respect in a safe and healthy learning environment Integrate technology Meet space needs and manage the resources of the Carlisle Public Schools
District Comparisons / PARCC
Historical Budget Increases FY2017 BUDGET PROPOSAL (11/2015) $10,659,420 = 2.09% increase Historical Budget Increases FY12 - FY16 5 Year Average – 3.00% FY07 - FY16 10 Year Average – 2.78%
Budget Breakout FY17 10,659,420 FY16 10,441,674 % Change
Budget Considerations Staffing Reinstate Literacy Specialist Kindergarten staffing Student social emotional support Contractual Increases $142,575 contractual increase Reductions Reduction in early retirement payments Reduction of one Reading Tutor Reduction of one classroom teacher
Early Retirement Update FY16 – 7 participants @ $130,530 FY17 – 5 participants @ $76,520 -------------------- FY17 M+60 Top $111,043 FY17 Typical New hire minimum M 5 $67,043
Budget Forecast 10 Year Actual Budget Increases Trailing Multi Year Average 3 year avg FY09; 4 year avg FY10; thereafter 5 year avg
Recommended FY’17 Budget Reduced School Committee recommended budget of $10,659,420 by $30,000 per Finance Committee guideline. Asked School Committee to work with a budget of $10,629,420, a 1.79% overall budget increase. Parents’ poll indicated there is strong support for a five day program with classroom paras. School Committee supports Full Day Kindergarten with para support. To accomplish this there will be an increase in the kindergarten fee and other adjustments to the budget.
Summary FY17 School Committee Proposal (11/2015) $10,659,420 FinCom Guideline (12/2015) $10,629,420 Expected Final Guideline $10,629,420
Breakdown w/ Revised Guideline