International Law of the Sea INTERNATIONAL LAW 1 (BA) 30 OCTOBER 2014
I. Introduction Definition of SEA History (1494 Treaty of Tordesillas; Mare Liberum = Grotius 1609 Mare Clausum = Selden 1635 Sources of the law of the sea (customary law – traditionally & treaties) Codification The Hague Codification Conference of 1930 UNCLOS I 1958 in Geneva (4 conventions) UNCLOS II 1960 (unsuccessful) UNCLOS III 1973-1982 finally: 1982: adoption of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (in force since 1994) = comprehensive code of rules of international law on the sea Dr. Tamás Molnár
Division made by the Treaty of Tordesillas Dr. Tamás Molnár
II. Basic terms (maritime areas) internal waters baseline (~low-water mark), normal (tracé parallèle (=exact image of coastline) + straight lines (f. ex. Norway) territorial sea (up to 12 nautical miles, full sovereignty, but: innocent passage;) international straits transit passage contiguous zone (12-24 nautical miles, control), approx. 70 States exclusive economic zone – EEA (12-200 nautical miles, fishing + exploring + artifical islands) continental shelf (only exploring/exploiting) high seas (extra-territorial space apart from state sovereignty) Dr. Tamás Molnár
III. Maritime zones Dr. Tamás Molnár
II. Law of the Sea 3) SPECIAL TYPES OF PERSONALITY Sovereign Order of Malta: Rome, int. personality Insurgents and belligerents communities (often represent political movements) IHL applies to them National liberation movements: PLO observer in UN, representation of Palestinian People Tamás Molnár December 2008
Illustration of the importance of EEZ Dr. Tamás Molnár
IV. High Seas Freedoms: - navigation - fishing - flying over it - laying submarines cables & pipelines - doing scientific research - construct artificial islands + installations !peaceful use! (f. ex.: piracy: NO) + the Area (deep seabed, common heritage of mankind), role of Int’l Seabed Authority control over min. resources Dr. Tamás Molnár
ISA – locations of cobalt-rich crusts Dr. Tamás Molnár
V. Maritime delimitation Many ICJ cases (newest: SOM v. Kenya)+ other judicial fora (e.g. PCA – SI/CRO) Example = RO v. UKR (Snake island), ICJ 2009 Dr. Tamás Molnár
THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION! Dr. Tamás MOLNÁR adjunct professor on PIL Tel.: +36.1.441.1968 E-mail: Dr. Tamás Molnár