Future of TA Some aspects Dr. Bernd Schmid Rome 26.2.2012 Institut für systemische Beratung, Wiesloch www.isb-w.de
„Il concetto di ruolo in AT et altri approcci Bernd Schmid Articles, audio, video, charts free: www.isb-w.de /English Bernd Schmid „Il concetto di ruolo in AT et altri approcci alla personalità, all `incontro et alla co-creatitività per i diversi ambiti professionali“ Quaderni di psicologia AT e scienze umane Nr. 54 / 2010 English: TAJ vol.38 January 2008 www.isb-w.de
TA for the 21st century How can we get along? Source Günther Mohr
Graham Barnes fundamental critique "Berne's theory of transactions deletes the context of communication and its meaning.” … „The theory excludes information, mental activity and mind. It cannot conceptualize any unit of complexity greater than an individual." …. "The logic and practical development of this theory can go no further.“ Transactions (keynote speech EATA-Conference July 1986)
Answers to Graham Barnes fundamental critique???? "speech of Gianpiero Petri Petriglieri at the Eric Berne Centary confernce in Montreal 2010 : "respecting marginality - time to make the most of it „
EGO-State- Approaches Schema-therapy cognitive-behavioristic Two international conferences in Heidelberg 2011 German conference EGO-State approaches 600 participants www.viele-sind-wir.meihei.de 4th world-conference egostate Therapy 1200 participants www.teile-tagung.de Parallel – developments Federn Berne followers Federn Watsons followers (Woltemade Hartmann, Pretoria or Jochen Peichl, Nürnberg or others)
EGO-State-therapy (John + Helen Watkins) http://en. wikipedia A Psychodynamic approach to Trauma often combined with hypnosis Watsons Definition EGO-State: „An organized system of behaviour and experience whose elements are connected by a common principle , and which is separated from others through a more or less permeable border “
EGO-State-Concept Distinction (Structural Functions) Trauma therapy others Orchestration of ego-state networks e.g. internal family / team Ego-states and context Role-concept
Role concept of TA expansion of the ego state-model can be used like ego state-model a personality model a communication model
Definition of role A role is a coherent system of attittudes, feelings, behaviour, perspective on reality and the accompanying relationships.
The role model of personality Personality as the portfolio of his/her roles, played on the stages of his/her world, uniqueness expressed by the way of structuring roles, connect people with plays and stages of their worlds, thus personality is also a matter of context and content.
Three worlds model of personality
-an overall professional approach TA -an overall professional approach with specifications to professional fields Institut für systemische Beratung, Wiesloch www.isb-w.de
more general definition of TA Approach to Creating reality through communication ( beyond circles and arrows - from analysis of transactions through transactions – real people in real life situations real life in different professional + organizational fields) Institut für systemische Beratung, Wiesloch www.isb-w.de
Enlargements and transformation e.g. for the organizational field I including organizational contexts into the model of personality, relationsships and organizations Focussing on organizational structures and processes as well as focussing on individuals and their relationships An orientation towards co-creativity, ressources, solutions and meaning
Enlargements and transformation e.g. for the organizational field II including consequences for people and processes not present in the situation including content and purpose of communication, of structures and of processes including other background levels (e.g. financial benefit or marketing strategy) besides psychological backgrounds
Enlargements and transformation e.g. for the organizational field III shaping approaches to fit interplay and integration with other professions and perspectives in organizations developing approaches integrating different scientific disciplines (not only as additional speciality or appendix to psychological considerations) taking serious autonomous identity of different professions and priorities according to their fields
Enlargements and transformation e.g. for the organizational field IV openess to declare a variety of approaches, concepts and methods according to the developmental needs of various professional fields as of TA developing a declared TA-identity, that takes a meta-stance to classical concepts and to developing professionalism in various fields and meeting emerging new challenges
Expansion to content + context + culture People not in the here + now Example Symbiotic arrangement How we look at people, professions, organizations How we look at society, economy, culture and evolution
Expansion to professionalism, interdisciplinarity + cooperation Beyond dominance of psychology What then? Professional culture of TA + professionalism + Community + Communication + creating reality + learning
Expansion to professionalism, interdisciplinarity + cooperation - achieving professionalism through transactional competence - intuition<->methodical / - mirroring - collegial learning – supervision culture - training groups, examinations, contracts, - diversity + cooperation (Italien TA-groups/different cultures/ verious professional fields)
TA for the 21st century principles kept I focussing on real people in real life situations focussing on how reality is created by transactions create realities in which communication and encounter is possible, satisfying and creative
TA for the 21st century principles kept II acknowledging and understanding background levels e.g. psychological benefits nourish the necessary function of intuition in creating reality acting from a position of OK-OK and caring love
TA for the 21st century principles kept III encounter on an equal eye-level respecting the others reality taking each others autonomy and wisdom serious e.g. by use of contractual method confronting each other with the differences in perception and culture
TA for the 21st century principles kept IV being dedicated to meaning in life and how people find it taking responsibility in relationships and towards society using concepts and procedures, that can be understood and related to by everybody involved
TA for the 21st century principles kept V keeping concepts as simple as possible, but profound on a deeper level achieving professionalism through transactional competence building up non-abusive and non-exploitative relationships building up pluralistic and non-imperialistic associations.