FHLB Atlanta - AHP Competitive Program September 21, 2016 Housing Credit Conference Richmond, Virginia Joel Brockmann, Rental Production Manager
What is the Affordable Housing Program? Unique Offering to Shareholder and Community Reservation of up to $500,000 for rental or ownership projects for up to 18 months or 36 months Minimum of 65 percent of the Bank’s AHP funds are used for Competitive $714 million since 1990 - 113,150 units Commercial Loan Officers New construction Rehabilitation Multifamily Single-family AHP Competitive Program *As of 9/15/2016
AHP Competitive Program (Rental) Rental transactions Types Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Non-LIHTC multi-family Mixed-Use Reduces project debt service Which thereby permits a reduction in project rents to enable affordability Use of Funds Acquisition Rehabilitation New Construction and/ or Permanent funding Supportive Housing transactions Social service residential facilities Riverside Place Apartments, Damascus, VA $168,881 AHP Subsidy 22 rental units The Crossings at Fourth and Preston, Charlottesville, VA $600,000 AHP Subsidy 60 rental units
Rental Example: Extend Credit and Reduce Loan Risk Multi-family Rental, Rehab Franklin, VA, 75 unit family property Total Costs AHP Shareholder Other Acquisition $1,209,063 Construction $7,183,229 $500,000 $3,635,600 $3,047,629 Soft Costs $1,259,958 Other Costs $1,682,627 Total Development Budget $11,334,877 $7,199,277 Total Debt – First Mortgage Member Loan-to-value (LTV/Cost) 32.1% AHP Competitive Total Debt if AHP converted to Debt $4,135,600 Member LTV/Cost if AHP converted to Debt 36,49% DCR 1.22 DCR if AHP converted to Debt (7% for 15 years) 1.02 14A04028 Berkley Court
FHLBank Atlanta AHP Scale and Impact $714.5 Million competitive funds awarded to create over 113,158 rental and homeownership opportunities for moderate-, low- and very low-income households since 1990. AHP Competitive Leverage Ratio – 1:13 AHP Competitive Program AHP Set-aside Program $171.8 Million funded through AHP Set-aside products and supporting more than 25,500 units since 1997. AHP Set-aside Purchase Leverage Ratio – 1:20 Community Investment Program $7.6 Billion low-cost CICA advances supporting community economic initiatives and affordable housing development. Economic Development Program *As of 9/1516
FHLBank Atlanta LIHTC AHP Cumulative Scale and Impact (1990-2016)
FHLB Atlanta Supportive Housing Housing projects that include low-to-moderate income units reserved for individuals and families that are homeless, mentally or physically disabled, recovering from physical or substance abuse, or have HIV/AIDS. Studios at South Richmond Virginia Supportive Housing $366.396 AHP Subsidy Richmond, VA 39 Rental Units for Supportive Housing
How to Apply for AHP Competitive Funding
How to Apply for AHP Competitive Funding Getting Started All applications include a FHLBank Atlanta Member and a Sponsor Members are the financial institutions that are part of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta Member list is on the FHLBank Atlanta website Call if you would like assistance on reaching the right person Sponsors are housing developers, public entities, contractors, community builders, and other organizations engaged in housing construction, rehabilitation, and development of affordable rental or owner-occupied housing Sponsors drive the application process; members review and approve applications
How to Apply for AHP Competitive Funding Review Criteria Threshold Application Certification Site Control 20% of Funding Sources Committed prior to application Sponsor is Qualified and Able Scoring Project Feasibility and Cost Guidelines Development Budget Pro forma (Rental only) Note: Sponsors should carefully read the AHP Implementation Plan for detailed requirements.
How to Apply for AHP Competitive Funding 2017 Scoring New
Questions? Joel Brockmann Glenn Stewart Rental Production Manager 404.888.8156 jbrockmann@fhlbatl.com Glenn Stewart Lending and Disbursement Analyst II 404.888.5348 gstewart@fhlbatl.com Clarissa Weaver Lending and Disbursement Analyst II 404.888.5687 cweaver@fhlbatl.com Richard Mauney Lending and Disbursement Analyst 404.888.5642 rmauney@fhlbatl.com James Monaghan Lending and Disbursement Analyst II 404.888.8429 jmonaghan@fhlbatl.com ShaDonte Butler Community Investment Business Development Manager 404.888.8416 sbutler@fhlbatl.com General Information: (800) 536-9650, Option 3, Option 1, Option 0 12