Foreign AffiliaTes Statistics (FATS): Outward FATS


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Presentation transcript:

Foreign AffiliaTes Statistics (FATS): Outward FATS Jon Mortensen EU Twinning Project: Globalisation Statistics Copenhagen, 26 August 2015

OFATS Enterprises controlled from the compiling country, but resident abroad (but not agriculture and publicly-controlled enterprises) EU-regulation: Residency of the ultimate controlling institutional unit (UCI) defines the nationality of an enterprise …But the Danish survey covers all affiliates owned by Denmark-based enterprises regardless of UCI Control is generally defined as >50 per cent direct or indirect ownership Disseminated annually (t+14 months)

OFATS: Variables Dissiminated: Not dissiminated Number of affiliates Country of affiliates Number of employees (of affiliates) Activity (NACE) Not dissiminated Country of UCI Turn-over (of affiliates) Thus, OFATS describe the number of employees, the activity and geography of foreign affiliates

OFATS: Sources Annual census compulsary survey Dissimination Almost 5000 enterprises in Denmark Reporting units Approx. 15000 foreign affiliates Statistical units Dissimination Approx. 3500 Danish companies Approx. 12000 foreign affiliates Supporting sources 

OFATS: Sources ODIN (a commercial database) FDI-statistics compiled by the Central Bank Includes information on financial sector Annual reports from enterprises These sources are primarily used to create new survey population Country of UCI from IFAT

2014 Survey First year with digital reporting only (mandatory by law) Requires digital signature Previously digital reporting was voluntary And many used paper forms (about 50%) Now paper is not allowed, so two digital solutions: Upload

OFATS: Results Number of foreign affiliates, 2012

OFATS: Results Number of Danish Affiliates, top 25 (total=11 964)

OFATS: Results Number of employees, top 25 (total=1,3 mill.). Ukraine #36 with 8015 emp.

Future/FRIBS Framework regulation integrating business statistics (FRIBS) IFATS Covering more activities (NACE Rev.2 sections O-S) A*38 alignment: we expect more detail in IFATS data, confidentiality spill-over to SBS, spill-back to IFATS confidentiality OFATS New variables: Personnel costs, investments Intra-EU affiliates included