City of Delavan 2017 Budget
2017 Strategic Goals Addressed City of Delavan 2017 Budget Overall Objectives for the City of Delavan 2017 Budget Provide for 10-Year Capital Plan funded by Current Revenues Maintain Service Levels While Controlling Expenditures 2017 Strategic Goals Addressed Reduce Reliance on Debt Issuance Comprehensive Amendment to Zoning Code Sign Regulations Support Commercial, Industrial and Residential Development Continue Downtown Revitalization Continue Public Safety Strategic Task Force to Ensure Continuation of Quality Public Safety Services Carryover from 2016-Develop New Park & Open Space Plan Retain Consultant for Library Task Force
2017 Budget Overview Maintains General fund balance above minimum guideline established in the budget document, but we are forecasted to drop to 20% from just under 25%. Unfortunately, approximately $370,000 of General fund balance is proposed to cover operational expenses that exceeded levy and non-levy revenue sources. Again modified levy to include a portion of fire station debt and new construction growth.
2017 Budget Overview Achieves key objective of Council to decrease City’s reliance on debt, providing funding for annual CIP program from current revenues and use of approximately $441,000 of fund balance. General fund revenue reflects a net decrease in State revenues of approximately $15,473. Expenditures remains below the expenditure restraint program cap by approximately $3,500.
Changes Following Publication of Public Hearing Notice Adjusted Library Fund up $10,000 to fund feasibility study for new building utilizing the fund balance versus the CIP fund.
Annual Levy Adjustments New Construction Allocations Actual 2012/13 Actual 2013/14 Actual 2014/15 Actual 2015/16 Projected 2016/17 General Operations 3,124,750 3,192,723 3,242,477 3,435,254 3,471,450 General Operations (New Construction) 54,481 49,754 22,279 107 26,379 Debt Payments Covered by General Levy 1,948,198 1,641,034 1,688,665 1,452,339 1,470,391 Capital Projects 165,569 459,241 411,610 477,437 423,297 Debt Service (Post 7/1/2005 -Effective 2015/16 Increase Levy to Cover a Portion of Fire Station Debt Service) - 130,499 206,587 Total Levy 5,292,998 5,342,752 5,365,031 5,495,636 5,598,104 Percent Increase 1.83%
State Aids Actuals 2011 - 2015, Estimated 2016 & Projected 2017 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Actual Estimated Projected State Shared Revenues 420,340 352,069 351,887 351,752 351,683 351,699 351,412 State Fire Ins Tax 24,424 23,691 22,056 24,295 21,750 23,046 24,000 State Owned Facilities 68,785 65,746 135,400 67,160 59,738 76,298 76,794 Police Training 3,420 2,860 3,360 3,680 3,040 Local Streets 882,439 801,068 727,719 661,740 615,297 575,160 549,204 Expenditure Restraint 210,550 204,864 172,339 184,678 193,130 192,726 Exempt Computers 56,171 43,529 42,390 40,522 41,989 44,569 52,500 Recycling 25,826 25,851 25,885 24,461 25,850 1,691,955 1,519,678 1,481,036 1,359,392 1,313,118 1,290,999 1,275,526
2017 Capital Plan (Excludes TIDs & Utilities) General Fund - Tax Levy Allocation 423,297 General Fund (in lieu of Fire Protection Payment) 462,000 Room Tax Allocation 479,414 State Aid - General Transportation Aids (GTA) 460,522 Adj for Direct Allocation of Additional Room Tax & GTA Rev in lieu of a portion of Levy & FP Transfers) (683,422) Grant Revenue Applied 23,673 CIP Other Rev Applied (SSA, Interest, & W&S Payment, Public Safety Bldg. mortgage proceeds) 66,351 Project Reimbursements 82,500 Donations/Fund Raising (1) - Surplus (Shortfall) (440,565) Carryover Applied CIP Fund Balance Applied Balance(Shortfall) After Applied Carry-over Special Revenue Funds (2) 5,000 Net CIP Revenues 1,290,162 Provides for the funding of annual capital program with current revenues & available fund balance
Capital Improvement Summary Total By Project & Category Fund 400 Fund 430 Fund 440 Fund 445 Fund 610 Fund 620 Facilities (Construction, Expansion & Renovation) 231,000 Public Works 216,000 Parks 15,000 Vehicles and Equipment 412,400 387,400 25,000 Police Operations 167,400 Public Works (Includes Utility Purchases) 245,000 220,000 Street Improvements 2,013,000 981,000 910,000 122,000 Annual Street Program - Construction 911,000 789,000 Annual Street Program - Seal Coating 52,000 Other Street Rehabiltation Projects 1,035,000 125,000 Street Light Systems Bridge Improvements Repair Pedestrian Sidewalk & Bikeway Systems 34,000 Annual Sidewalk Maintance Programs Park Improvements 21,000 16,000 5,000 Veteran's Park Delbrook Improvements 65,000 Course Maintenance Water & Sewer Improvements 93,000 Sanitary Sewer Repairs and Pipe Liner Project Borg Rd Wastewater Flow Monitoring Station (Impact Fee Funds-Not Incl in Total) 105,000 Other Projects 100,000 75,000 Professional Services - Park & Open Space Plan TIF #4 Capital Projects TOTAL 2,984,400 1,754,400 935,000 215,000
General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance Delbrook Unrestricted Net Assets Fund Balance Summary General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance Library CIP Delbrook Unrestricted Net Assets Fiscal Year 2016 Beginning Fund Balance (2015 Audit) 2,247,601 117,348 1,351,187 (124,744) Estimated Revenues 7,998,687 500,374 1,441,748 812,595 Estimated Expenditures 8,160,668 484,429 1,944,486 770,907 Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures (161,981) 15,945 (502,738) 41,688 Projected Ending Fund Balance 2,085,620 133,293 848,449 (83,056) Fiscal Year 2017 Beginning Fund Balance 8,215,448 495,121 1,313,835 820,680 8,585,420 505,121 1,754,400 (369,972) (10,000) (440,565) - 1,715,648 123,293 407,884
City of Delavan Mill Rates Actuals 2007/08 - 2015/16 & Projected 2016/2017 Total Levy TID (Out) Total Levy TID (In) Assessed Value Mill Rate City Tax on $100,000 Value 2007/2008 5,169,258 5,852,345 676,434,500 8.65175 865.18 2008/2009 5,218,946 5,843,875 679,068,300 8.60572 860.57 2009/2010 5,902,461 657,138,900 8.98206 898.21 2010/2011 5,934,446 645,262,600 9.19695 919.70 2011/2012 5,238,517 5,430,467 595,546,555 9.11846 911.85 2012/2013 5,292,998 5,485,999 588,331,100 9.32468 932.47 2013/2014 5,342,752 5,614,745 547,516,300 10.25494 1025.49 2014/2015 5,365,031 5,586,064 550,780,800 10.14208 1014.21 2015/2016 5,495,637 5,747,818 544,747,300 10.55135 1055.14 2016/2017 5,598,104 5,833,789 552,873,300 10.55177 1055.18
Debt Service Principal Balance Remaining-All Funds
Debt Service Maximum G.O. Limit & Available Capacity Maximum general obligation debt that can be incurred by a municipality is set by Statute at 5% of total equalized value. Delavan Equalized Value 1/1/16: $ 550,068,500 5% Debt Limit: 27,503,425 Debt Outstanding 12/31/16: 12,776,147 Debt Available: 14,727,278
Action Steps Open the hearing for public comments Consider public hearing comments Approve 2017 Budget at the regular Council meeting, Tuesday, November 15th at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers
Questions Contact: Denise Pieroni City Administrator Phone: 262.728.5585 Extension 115 Email: