JBSA-Libraries Summer Reading 2016 KEITH A. CAMPBELL MEMORIAL LIBRARY 21 MAY- REGISTRATION BEGINS 9 JUNE- 9:00-10:00 REGISTRATION 10:00-11:00 ROWDY HOOP TROUPE 16 JUNE- 10:00 ARTPACE 23 JUNE- 10:00 JUMPING DRAGONS 30 JUNE- 10:00 PARKOUR/SWING DANCE/ ARTPACE 7 JULY- 10:00 TAEKWONDO 14 JULY- 10:00 POETRY OLYMPICS 21 JULY- 10:00 READ/DREAM/ACHIEVE BINGO 28 JULY- 10:00 OLYMPIC STATIONS GRAND PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED 30 JULY- 9:00-11:00 BACK TO SCHOOL BASH ****PROGRAMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE**** You can register online at www.jbsalibraries.org or visit your library and pick up your registration package. Start Logging your reading minutes June 6-July 25. Prize Information A new weekly prize will be available after the scheduled programming after 11:00. Prizes will remain available until the following program or while supplies last. Adults and Teens may choose a book or a weekly prize. Children will win the weekly prize. Prize Requirements Readers must be registered for the Summer Reading Program to win prizes. Children that have read a minimum of 480 minutes by the end of the program will be entered into a random grand prize drawing! Teens and adults that have read a minimum of 960 minutes by the end of the program will also be entered into a random grand prize drawing! For more information:www.jbsalibraries.org or call 210-221-4387 Keith A. Campbell Memorial Library Ft. Sam Houston