The Purdue Writing Lab A Quick Tour Rationale: Welcome to “The Purdue Writing Lab: Basic Information about the Writing Lab.” This presentation is designed to introduce the mission and services of the Writing Lab to students, instructors, and faculty. The twelve slides presented here are designed to aid the facilitator in an interactive presentation of the elements of the Writing Lab. This presentation is ideal for new students, instructors, or faculty who are unfamiliar with function of the Writing Lab. Directions: Each slide is activated by a single mouse click, unless otherwise noted in bold at the bottom of each notes page Writer and Designer: Aubrie Harland and Allen Brizee (2009) Developed with resources courtesy of the Purdue University Writing Lab © Copyright Purdue University, 2009
The Purdue Writing Lab Available to all campus students, instructors, faculty Can provide help at any stage in the writing process Can assist with multiple media types The Writing Lab is open to all campus students, instructors, and faculty who need help at any stage in the writing process for different types of media. The facilitator may want to open up a discussion by asking about common writing problems encountered by students, and by asking if familiar students are with the Writing Lab before continuing the presentation.
Overview Overview How to make an appointment What happens during an appointment Services, hours, locations This presentation will show students how to utilize the Writing Lab step-by-step. First the presentation will explain how to make an appointment and then it will discuss what happens in the tutorial session. The presentation will end with an extensive list of the services, hours, and locations of the Writing Lab.
Making an Appointment Call (494-3723), stop by Heavilon 226 Types of appointments Scheduled Drop-in Up to two half hour sessions per week The Writing Lab is located in Heavilon Hall near Academy Park. Students are welcome to call or stop by to schedule an appointment. Scheduled appointments ensure that the student will be helped on a given date and time. Students are also welcome to drop-in without a previously scheduled appointment. However, there is no guarantee that these students will be able to meet with a tutor at the desired time due to previously scheduled appointments. Students are allowed to visit the Writing Lab for two 30-minute tutorials per week.
The Appointment Prior to appointment: Arrive 10 minutes early with PUID, sign in, bring writing questions, draft, assignment sheet Enjoy the animal crackers while you wait! Students should arrive early to sign in to the Writing Lab with their PUID and sign in to the computers. Students are encouraged to bring the assignment sheet to the tutorial session along with any questions or concerns about the writing assignment. Students are also encouraged to bring current drafts of assignments. These drafts can be paper copies or electronic copies. Computers are available for use in the Writing Lab, however, printing is only permitted for tutorial purposes. Complementary animal crackers are provided!
The Appointment During appointment: Brainstorming, outlining for students in the beginning stage of the writing process Organizing, citing, proofing for students in the middle and end stages of the writing process Focus on making the student a better writer rather than just acting as an editor After introduction, the tutorial will begin with a brief discussion about the assignment and the concerns of the student. If the student is having trouble finding a topic, or beginning the paper, the tutor can aid the student in brainstorming ideas or outlining current ideas with the student. If the student has a draft written and needs help organizing paragraphs and ideas, the tutor can read through the students paper and discuss the focus of each paragraph and work with the student to streamline ideas and possibly rearrange paragraphs. Citation resources (MLA, APA, CMS, AP) are available in the Writing Lab and on the OWL, however, students can come in for help with citations as well. The focus of the tutorial session is to help the student become a better writer. Tutors will not simply edit papers. The facilitator might want to open discussion about possible helpful questions students could ask the tutor in order to get more out of the tutorial session.
The Appointment After appointment: Cover sheet goes back to instructors to foster awareness, collaboration Schedule a follow-up appointment Possible to request a specific tutor After the appointment, students are asked if they would like to notify their instructors about the visit to the Writing Lab. If so, the tutor will fill out a cover sheet outlining what was discussed during the tutorial. A copy of the sheet will be sent to the instructor. The purpose of the cover sheet is to foster awareness and utility of the Writing Lab, and to promote collaboration between students, instructors, and Writing Lab tutors. After the appointment, students are also allowed to schedule another appointment (as long as it does not exceed the two sessions per week limit). If the student liked the tutoring style of a particular tutor, then the student may request that tutor at a later date. Often times, students will come to a tutor at the beginning stages of an assignment and work with that tutor throughout the entire assignment, since the tutor is already familiar with the assignment and learning style of the student. The facilitator might want to mention how this would affect students’ grades, if at all.
The Appointment Types of media and assignments: Creative writing Cover letters Résumés Personal Statements Research papers ENGL106/108 assignments Thumbdrives, CDs, email, hardcopies PowerPoint Fliers Websites Brainstorming Outlines Reports Essays The tutors in the Writing Lab can (but are not limited to) help with any of the types of media, assignments listed, and draft format.
Services Services: Writing help for all campus writers at all stages of composition, all types of composition Resource library Grammar Hotline (494-3723) OWL: (200+ free writing resources, exercises, PowerPoints, etc., OWL Email Tutors for short questions) The services offered by the Writing Lab.
Services Services: ESL Conversation Groups everyday In-class, workshops on a variety of topics Workshop help with citation formats (MLA, APA, etc.) Computers (printing only available for tutorial sessions) Quiet place for reading and Writing A continuation of services offered by the Writing Lab. In-class workshops can be requested by instructors. Instructors fill out a form indicating the desired topic of the workshop and the desired date and time the workshop will take place. Tutors will prepare a presentation to present to the class through a collaborative process with the instructor.
Hours and Locations Hours and Locations: Heavilon: Mon.-Thurs. 9am-6pm, Fri 9am-1pm HSSE Learning Collaborative: Mon. 7-10pm Latino Cultural Center: Tues. 6-9pm Meredith: Wed. 7-10pm The HSSE, LCC, and Meredith locations are closed in the summer Hours and Locations of the Writing Lab. The main Writing Lab is located in Heavilon Hall. Two satellite locations also exist in Hick’s Undergraduate Library and in the Meredith Residence Hall.
For More Information Writing Lab Phone Number: 765-494-3723 OWL: OWL YouTube Channel: Follow us on Twitter: @PurdueWLab Join us on Facebook: We hope to see you soon!
The End