MNF SOP Part D – Transition Planning JTF – CTF – UN PKO (Working Concept) 28 July 05
Operational Level Role / Focus Responsibility - Levels Grand / Governmental National Strategic National Military Strategic Operational Level (MNF SOP FOCUS Tactical Level Development and Employment of “national / multinational elements of Power” / resources Prime Minister / President United Nations Security Council Primary Gov Agencies Minister of Defense, Secretary Of Defense, Major Defense Agencies, Joint Chiefs of Staff National Military HQs, Combatant And Strategic Military Commanders Development and Employment of national / multinational elements of “military” power and resources Link between “tactical and Strategic objectives” via Campaign and major operations Employment and arrangement Of forces in time, space, and Purpose for synchronization and Integration at the JTF/CTF, Interagency, and multinational levels JTF / CTF Headquarters and/ or Major Subordinate Hqs of Strategic Military Commanders (Note: Strategic Military Cdrs may Be dual hatted for Strategic and Operational planning for Major Regional Contingencies (but normally NOT for MOOTW / SSC Employment of untis at the “execution level” for approved Operational Courses of Action (COA). Ordered arrangement and Maneuver of units at the engagement and battle level JTF/CTF Components and Subordinate commands, units, and Field operating agencies Figure D-1: Strategic – Operational – Tactical Levels of Planning and Operations (establishing roles & responsibilities)
Overarching Transition Imperatives Authorities and Guidance – Clear Mandate / Appropriate Authorities Recognize Realities – Advanced Cueing is Required Early-ON and On-Going Collaborative Transition Planning UN (IOs and NGOs) Establish Synchronization mechanisms – Organizations and Measures of Effectiveness (MOE). Requires Lead Nation Interagency Planning Approach Maintain Credibility, Legitimacy, and Consent During Transition
Level of Violence Crisis UN TF (Observers) Jan-Oct 99 Peacemaking
Level of Violence Crisis 1 2 3 Transition Legend: UN TF to Lead Nation JTF JTF to CTF Lead Nation CTF to UN PKO Level of Violence Crisis Lead Nation CTF Peace Enforcement And Stabilization Sept 99-Feb 00 1 2 3 UN TF (Observers) Jan-Oct 99 CTF in Charge Overlap w/UN Peace Enforcement Peacemaking Peace Keeping
Level of Violence Crisis 1 2 3 4 5 CRITICAL NOTE: This is only a “start point” for communications and planning - sequence of actions is not always fixed !! Sequence can “turn back” and go back to previous states or jump “evens”. This is only a guide; each crisis will have it own situational factors and sequence of events. Also, “dates” are simply how one situation evolved. Transition Legend: UN TF to Lead Nation JTF JTF to CTF Lead Nation CTF to UN PKO UN PKO to UN Support UN Support to Host Nation Level of Violence Crisis Independence > Elections > Gov Recognized Lead Nation CTF Peace Enforcement And Stabilization Sept 99-Feb 00 Self Sustaining Peace & Stability 1 2 3 4 5 UN TF (Transitional Administration and Humanitarian Relief) Oct 99 – May 02 UN TF (Support)) May 02 – May 04 UN TF (Observers) Jan-Oct 99 CTF in Charge Overlap w/UN Host Nation Peace Enforcement Peace Building Peacemaking PEO and Peace Bldg Overlap Peace Keeping Reference: East Timor: Some Peace Building Lessons, by MajGen Smith (Retd); CEO AUSTCARE, former Deputy Force Commander of East Timor UNTAET Peacekeeping Force; JIIA –UNU Symposium, Toyko Feb 04 (Chart: East Timor 1999 – 2004); (Chart Modified: Added in “Transition events” to chart and “overlapped PEO and Peace Building” to stress that that Peace Ops are not “clear and distinct” divisions/phases …. there is normally “overlapping missions” within real world contingencies - (MPAT insertion)
Operational Transition Planning (Planning Factors) Fundamental Transition Principle – Seamless and Operational Capability Continuity Exchange of Liaison and Planning Teams Not a Separate and Isolated Event Host Nation Situation and Nation Power Authority ?? Host Nation Present – Condition ?? Failed Nation – What Authority is Present ?? Meeting of Different Cultures and Recognition of the Key Actors Within a Transition – Mutual Respect for Roles and Missions The question is “not who is in charge”; rather, who is doing “what” and what coordination is required to leverage capabilities and create unity of effort
Unity of Effort: UN Command Prior to Crisis Crisis Response Follow-on Crisis Host Nation (or Designated Auth) UN Agencies (plus) Lead Nation CTF Unity of Effort: Lead Nation CTF Cdr and SRSG (UN mandate) SRSG IOs / NGOs Coalition Nations Non Host Nation (or Designated Auth) UN Agencies (plus) Command Unity of Effort: UN Command SRSC / HOM (UN Mandate) SRSG IOs / NGOs Participating Nations Host Nation (or Designated Auth) IOs / NGOs UN Agencies (minus) Non Coalition Nations Unity of Effort: Host Nation with UN support / IOs / NGOs (mutually developed) Note: In some situations a SRSG may be appointed if UN mission is underway Peacemaking Peace Enforcement & Stability Peacekeeping/Peace (Prevent/Support) (Military Security Ops/Emerg Relief-Gov) (Stability / Peace / Nation Building) Figure D3-1: Primary Actors – Prior / During / Following Crisis Response
Operational Transition Planning (Planning Factors - Continued) Transition Concepts – “ The What !!! “ Functions Geographical Areas Mission/Process/Tasks Common Frame of Reference for Determining Transition Progress and Success – Measures of Performance (MOE) “ The Detailed What !!! “
End State: Sustainable Peace #1: Establish Safe and Secure Environment #2: Establish/Reinforce Legitimate and Functional Government #3: Establish Basic Need Infrastructure for Nation #4: Establish and Reinforce Key Insitutions Separation of Forces Border / Sector Security Police Functions Violence / Terrorism Reduced Political Agreement Political Will Elections Where: CTF PEO Transition to UN PKO ???? (MOE Based Transition) Strategic - Operational - Tactical Centers of Gravity ( Defeat Threat -- Protect and Strengthen Friendly) Centers of Gravity Lead Nations CTF – ‘Coalition of Willing” Initiation of Crisis Response End State: Sustainable Peace Security Food and Water Shelter/Medical Economy Police Functions Military Functions Judicial Civil Service Figure D3-2: Generic Set of Lines of Operations (Themes) and Supporting Tasks
Operational Transition Planning (Planning Factors - Continued) Transition Concepts – “ The What !!! “ Functions Geographical Areas Mission/Process/Tasks Common Frame of Reference for Determining Transition Progress and Success – Measures of Performance (MOE) “ The Detailed What !!! “ Transition Template – Specific CONOPS Template
Figure D3-3: Transition Event Template Functions Areas Missions/ Tasks / Processes MOE BASED CTF Withdrawn (Mandate Established) CTF in Charge CTF in Support Overwatch Key Transition Actions (1/3) Initial Transition Actions (1/3) Final Transition Actions (1/3) UN SRSG in Pol/Mil Support Emergency Nation Building UN in Charge UN in Support Big Transition Four Factors: 1. Exchange of Functions, Geographical, Mission / Tasks Areas / MOE Based 2. 2/3 – 1/3 Rule applied 3. Supported / Supporting C2 Relationship 4. Contingency Forces / Rapid Reaction capability (Overwatch) Exchange of Liaison & Planning Teams C2 Change Over Point Train / RSOI Mentor / Validate Support / Overwatch / Withdrawal Certify Figure D3-3: Transition Event Template
Operational Transition Planning (Planning Factors - Continued) Transition Concepts – “ The What !!! “ Functions Geographical Areas Mission/Process/Tasks Common Frame of Reference for Determining Transition Progress and Success – Measures of Performance (MOE) “ The Detailed What !!! “ Transition Template – Specific CONOPS Template CTF Headquarters Organizational Structures for Support of Transition Events
CCC = Coalition Military Coordination for Transition National Command Elements (NCE) Commander Coalition / Combined Task Force (CCTF) Special Access Ops (SOF) Classification: Secret – MNF REL Classification: Case by Case DCCTF Civil-Military Operations Center (CMOC) Coalition Coordination Center (CCC) Personal Staff COS C1 PERS C2 INTEL C3 OPNS C4 LOG C5 PLANS C6 COMMS C7 CIV-MIL CTF PLANNING PROCESS (C5 PLANS, C3 FOPS, and C3 COPS) This is the start point or “template” in the MNF SOP for CTF HQs organization. At first glance, it may seem cumbersome, but upon review it can be seen each element has clear and focused responsibilities that left unaddressed will cause functional problems in “planning and coordination” within the HQs. Briefier: Outline each organization in the diagram above. Start at the top and work down. Stress that in coalition operations that classified information sharing will “always be a problem”. If it can be fully addressed and solved, a Coalition Coordination Center will not be required. However, the CMOC and CLCC will be required. In the MNF SOP processes are discussed to maximize communication, coordination, and intel sharing. In COMBINED operations, the staff may be fully integrated and a CCC will not be required. HOWEVER, NORMALLY a CCC WILL BE REQUIRED and is a very valuable tool for “coalition coordination and integration” into the CTF planning and execution processes. Coalition / Combined Logistics Coordination Center (CLCC) Secret – MNF REL Multinational and CTF Media Support Staffs (Coalition / Combined Media Pools) Liaison & Coordination Legend: Multinational Force Releasable (MNF REL) CCC = Coalition Military Coordination for Transition CMOC = Civil Military Coordination with UN Agencies / IOs / NGOs / Host Nation