Super Technologies CFMS – V 0.9 Call Forwarding Management System For YourCompany.Com Example: Virtual Phone Line.Com
Sample Web Sites VirtualPhoneLine.Com
Summary of the Product: Call forwarding product will enable YourCompany.Comto offer DID Numbers seamlessly from any wholesale DID vendors, and map them on a PSTN Number on per min or per monthly plan bases. The service is totally transparent to the customer from whom the customer is buying the service, however an option to add powered by super technologies may be available if the customer wishes.
How does it work: ABC will be provided a custom web site to receive orders, and Super Tec hosts and powers and manages the entire network and service and software for BW Communications Inc
Optional Modules: Call Forwarding to PSTN Call Forwarding to SIP Call Forwarding to IAX2 Call Forwarding to H323 Call Forwarding to MSN Messenger Call Forwarding to Google Talk Call Forwarding to FWD
Advantages of Using CFMS No capital expenditure. Small PER DID Number Sold License fee. No hardware to buy and maintain. NO Infrastructure Requirement. Supertec Maintained Highly Redundant network. Rapidly maintained Scalable network. New features added at no extra charge.
Revenue Streams for BW Communications Inc Monthly Subscription Out Going calling - Off Net – Out Side the network Out Going calling – International
Hardware Requirement: All the Hardware is provided, Hosted and Managed by Super Technologies Inc at no cost to BW Communications Inc
Bandwidth Requirement: All bandwidth and hosting is provided by Super Technologies Inc at no cost to BW Communications Inc
DID Prices: YourCompany.Comdid prices available via DIDX or YourCompany.Comcan buy directly from a third party, and use DIDX management system for managing did’s.
Termination Rates: YourCompany.Comwill use a third party termination service Routes will be routed via carrierx billing management software.
Billing Package: YourCompany.Comcreates as many billing packages as YourCompany.Comwants, and uses them to sell on portal or directly via call center to BW Communications Inc’s customers.
Payment Systems Integration: Collection via PAYPAL is built in the system, and if YourCompany.Comwants to accept credit card, approach for a merchant account and/or for a merchant account. Integration of the above 2 are in the system. YourCompany.Comstarts accepting payments immediately. BW Communications Inc’s Calling Card PIN Management system can be integrated with the CFMS
Selling Prices: YourCompany.Comhas the power to control its consumer and reseller pricing of: DID Sold Monthly Recurring Out going per min charges Per Month Monthly Plans
Customer Service: Customer service is broken into 4 tiers Tier 1, 2, 3 and 4. Tier 1 and 2 will be taken care of by BW Communications Inc, and 3 and 4 which include call-related, trouble shooting and bugs related to the system, are taken care of by Super Technologies, Inc.
Implementation Time: In 2 weeks, a demo site is given. 4 to 6 weeks complete delivery is given.
Training: 3 days of training will be provided after the delivery of the demo account.
Web Site Design: $1500 – If we design the web site – require a word or front page documentation with text to be placed on the web site. $500 – Integration of provided web site. $0 – Standard Template web site, with name change on
Recurring Charges: Per Number Billing Up to 1000 DID’s $2 per Number Up to 5000 DID’s $ 1.5 per Number 5000 DID’s + $ 1.25 per Number 10,000 DID’s 50 Cents Per Number 20,000 DID’s 35 Cents Per Number 20,000 + DID’s 25 cents Per Number Minimum of 500 DID’s charged Per Month for 3 months advance. All Charges are Per Month Recurring This charge is not for the DID number. It is the billing software fee – CFMS Charge.
Sample Pricing Calculation: The following slides will show different sales model of CFMS software charges DID to PSTN – Flat Rate DID to SIP DID to Google Talk or MSN
Sample Pricing Calculation: DID to PSTN – Flat Rate Suppose you see a DID of Pakistan on DIDX for $1.99 a month CFMS Charge will be 25 cents Call goes to your own switch via CarrierX , CarrierX charges you .002 cents a min for that Your fixed cost become 2.24 a month + Per min.
Sample Pricing Calculation: DID to SIP Suppose you see a DID of Pakistan on DIDX for $1.99/month CFMS Charge will be 25 cent/month Your fixed cost become $2.24/month.
Sample Pricing Calculation: DID to MSN Suppose you see a DID of Pakistan on DIDX for $1.99 a month CFMS Charge will be 25 cent/month Fixed fee is $2.24/month.
YourCompany.ComGets: Customer Relationship management Software Monthly Billing Software Client Site Management Portal for customer self service. Hosting of the Server and services. Switching Engine Integration Of external Application Engine Re-seller Management Engine
Other Charges: 1 Time Setup Fee Apply
Compliments of Super Technologies, Inc. Another empowering IP service solution – CFMS! Call Forwarding Management Software We look forward to serving you