Digital*Sustainability*Innovation 23/02/2017 Dr Frauke Behrendt Principal Lecturer University of Brighton @FraukeBehrendt Prof Karen Cham University of Brighton Digital Catapult Centre Brighton Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt
Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability & Social Innovation Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt
CROWD sensing and ride sharing FOR ROAD Sustainability Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt
Smart Cities ‘The old city of concrete, glass, and steel now conceals a vast underworld of computers and software. Linked up via the Internet, these devices are being stitched together into a nervous system that supports the daily lives of billions in a world of huge and growing cities’ (Townsend, 2013: xii). Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt
“In Smart Cities, digital technologies translate into better public services for citizens, better use of resources and less impact on the environment.” European Commission (n.d.) Smart Cities Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt
key concerns around the sharing and ownership of data (Dutton 2014, 9) consists of large numbers of networked objects that ‘become information and communication technologies as well as physical objects’ (Dutton 2014, 2) allows ‘physical objects to store, send or receive information in ways that could transform the way we do things’ (Dutton 2014 2) key concerns around the sharing and ownership of data (Dutton 2014, 9) Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt
Internet of Things Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt
Open Data Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt
Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt
Intelligent Transport Smart Mobility use of networked technologies for transport studies mobility in the context of networked people, things and environments Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt
Innovation? Business Models? Sustainability? Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt
Environmental Layer Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt
Social Layer Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt
Digital*Sustainability*Innovation – social, environmental & economic Collaborative Solutions/Crowdsourcing Smart Cities Internet of Things Open/Big Data Smart Mobility Business Model Canvas & Sustainability Digital Catapult Centre Brighton Dr F Behrendt @FraukeBehrendt
Digital Catapult Centre Brighton aims to ‘enable university led R&D in the Digital Catapult challenge areas to convert into commercialisable market opportunities which can be prototyped and piloted by start ups and SMEs’ encouraging innovation and value from real-time and location-based data (the Internet of Place) UoB is one or two delivery partners with Wired Sussex UoB is establishing a DCCB Sensor Data Lab on the Moulsecoomb campus, focussed upon Privacy, Ethics & Nudge
Internet Of Place
DCCB Themes We have five Themes exploring the core notion of ‘Internet of Place’ supported by UoB research activity Retail Health & Care Transport Networks 5G Testbed AR/VR Emerging Technologies
DCCB Activity Pipeline We have five Work Packages Building A Community Introductory Events Idea Generation Collaborative R&D 10 SMEs deliver new products and services from collaborative R&D