The last 24 Hours. The Arrest! John 18 1-11
Symbolism 1 - Jesus picked the Garden of Gethsemane to contrast with the original Garden of Eden. Symbolism 2 – Kidron Ravine was used to drain away the blood of the Temple sacrifices.
1. Judas and his treachery. V2 – he used a place of beauty and blessing for an infamous act. V3 – the blind leading the blind. V5 – Judas was now ‘with them’! Judas syndrome – ‘You can have a ton of religion without an ounce of salvation.’
2. Jesus and His majesty. A) Claim v4-7 – ‘I AM!’ B) Care and concern v8-9 – ‘I have not lost one’ C) Compassion v10-11 – even for one who came to arrest Him. D) Commitment v11b – He drank the bitter cup of death for you and me!