Map Link: The Middle East in the 6th Century:


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Presentation transcript:

Map Link: The Middle East in the 6th Century: <>

Word List Timeline Mecca Quraysh haram Ka‘ba Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib, of the clan of Hashim, of the tribe of Quraysh Hashim Abu Talib Khadija c. 570 Birth of Muhammad

Word List Timeline Mt. Hira’ sura (chapter of the Qur’an) aya (verse of the Qur’an/Koran ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib 610 Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Power, 27th Ramadan) 611 Muhammad starts preaching in Mecca.

Word List Timeline Yathrib ‘Aws Khazraj Abu Bakr 615 Some Muslims emigrate to Abyssinia. 619 Deaths of Abu Talib and Khadija. 620 Muhammad meets Yathribis. 622 Yathribis swear to obey/fight for Muhammad.

Word List Timeline al-Madina/Medina (the city) Madinat al-Nabi (the city of the Prophet) muhajirun (migrants) ansar (helpers) umma (Muslim community) Constitution of Medina 622 hijra (started 16th July).

Word List Timeline Banu Qurayza Banu’l-Nadir Banu Qaynuqa‘ khandaq (ditch) Sa‘d ibn Mu‘adh 624 Battle of Badr. Expulsion of the Banu Qaynuqa‘. 625 Battle of Uhud. Expulsion of the Banu’l-Nadir. 627 Battle of the khandaq. Execution of the Banu Qurayza.

Word List Timeline Isma‘il/Ishmael Ta‘if jizya hajj ‘A’isha 628 Truce with Mecca 629 Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca 630 Muhammad takes Mecca 632 Death of Muhammad (8th June)

Word List Themes in the Qur’an al-Fatiha (the Opening) Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad Hud, Salih, Shu‘ayb and Luqman hadith Sunna khawass al-Qur’an God 2. Prophets 3. Judgment Day

Word List Timeline Khusraw Parviz Heraclius Ctesiphon Abu Bakr 602 Persians attack Byzantine Empire. 628 Byzantines drive Persians back to Ctesiphon. Persia descends into civil war. 632 Death of Muhammad. Succeeded by Abu Bakr.

Word List khalifat rasul Allah (successor to the Messenger of God) khalifa (caliph) umma amir al-mu’minin (commander of the faithful) rashidun (rightly-guided ones) Umayyads hijra ‘A’isha

Word List Timeline ridda (apostasy) ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab Yarmuk River 632-34 Wars of the Ridda 634 Death of Abu Bakr. Succeeded by ‘Umar 636 Battle of the Yarmuk River. Conquest of Syria/ Holy Land follows. 637 Damascus taken.

Map Link: The Muslim Conquests: < muslimconquestsmap.gif>

Word List Timeline Qadisiyya Ctesiphon Zoroastrianism magi gnostic Manichaeans Alexandria 637 Battle of Qadisiyya. Ctesiphon and other Persian cities taken. 639-42 Muslims take Egypt.

Word List Timeline diwan ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan ansar fitna (temptation/ time of trials, i.e. civil war) 641-47 Further expeditions vs. Byzantines and Persians. 644 Death of ‘Umar. Succeeded by ‘Uthman. 651 Completion of conquest of Persia. 655 Muslims take Cyprus.

Word List Timeline ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib Basra Mu‘awiya ibn Abi Sufyan Siffin kharijis (seceders) 656 Death of ‘Uthman. ‘Ali acclaimed as caliph. Battles of the Camel and Siffin. Arbitration agreed. ‘Ali abandoned by kharijis.

Word List Timeline Adhruh al-Hasan al-Husayn shi‘at ‘Ali/ shi‘is/Shi‘ites 658 Arbitration at Adhruh. Rejected by ‘Ali. 660 Mu‘awiya acclaimed caliph in Jerusalem. 661 Death of ‘Ali. Al-Hasan gives up claim to caliphate.

Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Façade of the Palace at Ctesiphon. (Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies: < sasanian/Sites/ctesiphon.htm>.) Restored facade of the Palace at Ctesiphon. (Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies: < museum/sasanian/Sites/ctesiphon.htm>.) 19th-century photograph of the Palace at Ctesiphon. (Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies: < virtual_museum/sasanian/Sites/ctesiphon.htm>.) Façade of the palace at Ctesiphon in the 19th century. Sasanian. (F) Iwan/Eyvan of the Palace at Ctesiphon. (Circle of Ancient

Object List Iwan of Sasanian imperial palace. Ctesiphon, Iraq. (F) Sasanian stucco plaques: rosette from Bishapur; plaque from Um-Za’atir near Ctesiphon. (F, plus image of second plaque from Niall Christie, Personal Collection: <http://>.) Sasanian merlon of stucco from Bishapur. Sasanian stucco plaque with boar’s head from Damghan. (F) Relief showing two ibexes flanking a vine. (Niall Christie, Personal Collection: < persianibexes.jpg>.) F = Ferret, A = Archnet

Sasanian Silver and Gilt Plate, 5th-7th Century. (Freer and Object List Sasanian silver bowl showing King Peroz (457/9-484 CE) hunting moufflons. Silver with partial mercury gilding. Sasanian. (F) Silver bowl with Khusraw I Anushirvan among dignitaries. Sasanian. (F) Sasanian Silver and Gilt Plate, 5th-7th Century. (Freer and Sackler Galleries, Purchase F1964.10: <>.) Silver jug with crossed lions. Sasanian. (F) Chapel of the Ascension, Jerusalem. Byzantine. (F) Sculpted pier from St Polyeuktos, Constantinople, 524-7, reused, Piazzetta, Venice. (Early Christian and Byzantine Art: <>.) F = Ferret, A = Archnet

Object List Throne of Archbishop Maximianus: detail, decorative panel showing birds and animals in a vineyard, ca. 545-553. (AICT: <>.) Throne of Archbishop Maximianus: detail, panel of John the Baptist, ca. 545-553. (AICT: <>.) Throne of Archbishop Maximianus: detail, panel showing Christ, healing the blind man, ca. 545-553. (AICT: <>.) The Transfiguration, c. 565/6. Apse mosaic. St Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai. (Early Christian and Byzantine Art: <>.) F = Ferret, A = Archnet

Object List Christ and the Theotokos and Child with saints and angels. 6th cent. Ivory dyptich. (Early Christian and Byzantine Art: <>.) Solidus of Heraclius, 641, and Semissis of Heraclius, 610-613 (Byzantine Coins Home Page: <>.) Bronze Peacock Lamp. Early Byzantine, probably Egypt, 6th-7th century. (Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Collection: <>.) The Riha Paten showing the Communion of the Apostles. 577. Silver. (Early Christian and Byzantine Art: F = Ferret, A = Archnet

Object List Christ Heals Two Blind Men, folio 29r, Sinope Gospels, 6th cent. (and detail) (Early Christian and Byzantine Art: <>.) F = Ferret, A = Archnet