Almond Board of California Telephone Survey Results March 2007
Purpose of research Benchmark communication habits and preferences of almond producers in California Benchmark awareness of and attitudes toward Almond Board communications
Methodology Telephone interviews were conducted with a random sampling of 200 of almond growers in California Respondents: 155 male, 45 female List of 1,150 almond growers provided by California Farmer The respondents were aware that the Almond Board of California is sponsoring this research Interviews took place the week of March 5, 2007 This sample size resulted in a strong statistical reliability, with a maximum sampling error of +/- 5.8% at the 90% confidence level
Key findings Overall, producers find Almond Board information useful 7 and above on 1–10 value scale Producers prefer to receive information in print Very few producers have visited Almond Board web site Will take time and effort to change behavior and preference to online Many producers cite Blue Diamond as a key source of information Orchard production practices most sought-after type of information with food quality and safety second Good awareness of Good Agriculture Practices (GAP)
Q: Which of the following best describes your role? n = 200
Q: How many acres of almonds do you farm? (If grower) n = 192
Response by county (with grower and acreage info) Responses Acreage Alameda 2 185 Butte 16 2776 Colusa 6 2222 Contra Costa 1 125 Fresno 26 16569 Glenn 9 1993 Kern 12 2972 Kings 275 Madera 722 Merced 21 2024 Sacramento San Joaquin 2177 San Luis Obispo 1270 Santa Clara 227 Solano Stanislaus 62 4248 Sutter 103 Tehama 240 Tulare 150 Yolo 4 757 Yuba 83 Total 200 39,120
Q: Do you currently receive the printed newsletter California Almonds from the Almond Board? n = 200
Q: If yes, how often do you receive the newsletter? n = 170
Q: On a scale of 1 to 10, how valuable do you find the information provided in the newsletter? n = 170
Q: How often do you visit the Almond Board web site? n = 200
Q: On a scale of 1 to 10, how valuable do you find the information provided on this web site? (If visited) n = 25
Q: What type of information have you searched for on the Almond Board web site? (If visited) n = 25
Q: From which media resources do you regularly get almond production information? (Unaided unless prompting was necessary) Results slide 1 of 2 * Combined response for “Blue Diamond” (46) and “Almond Facts” (19) n = 200
Q: From which media resources do you regularly get almond production information? (Unaided unless prompting was necessary) Results slide 2 of 2 n = 200
Q: On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the information provided by the Almond Board, either through your handler or via direct communications? n = 200
Q: On a scale of 1 to 10, how familiar are you with the Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) developed by the Almond Board? n = 200
Q: Which issues and areas of almond production would you like the Almond Board to provide more information about? (Unaided , record first mention) Results slide 1 of 2 n = 200
Q: Which issues and areas of almond production would you like the Almond Board to provide more information about? (Unaided , record first mention) Results slide 2 of 2 n = 200
Q: Are there any others? (Record second mention) n = 63
Top five issues (combined)
Q: Do you prefer to receive printed or electronic newsletters through e-mail from the Almond Board? n = 200
Q: Do you have any closing comments that you would like us to share with the Almond Board? Be more productive on solving the bee death problem. Concentrate more on aflatoxin and less on salmonella. Conventions are very useful. Do a better job with international market. Doing a good job. Doing a great job! Doing a great job. Great job on the production and selling of the almonds. Great job! Instead of one big meeting in the fall, have two—one in fall and spring. Is thankful for the job they do. Keep selling almonds. Keep up the good work.
Q: Do you have any closing comments that you would like us to share with the Almond Board? Make sure when making recommendation, that they have good science to back it up. More articles on bees. More information on bee hives and the price of almonds. More research on production. Stay in touch with the growers. They are doing a good job. They do a good job with promoting the production of almonds. Uphold the market. Very good organization. Very valuable, doing a fine job, don't put down Blue Diamond ideas. Water safety, cultural practices, and handle of imports/exports. Would like to get magazine, address is correct. Would like to get the magazine.