ALE161 國際行銷英文簡報技巧 International Marketing Presentation Techniques Michelle Li 2016.12
Quotes Storytelling is the single most powerful tool in a leaders’ toolkit. The choice for leaders in business and organizations is not whether to be involved in storytelling – they can hardly do otherwise – but rather whether to use storytelling unwittingly and clumsily or intelligently and skillfully.
Q1 How far do you agree with the first quote about the power of storytelling? What kind of stories do leaders need to tell?
Storytelling is a vital part of leadership. Leaders need to tell many kind of leadership.
Q2 Is it only leaders who need to tell stories? What about frontline managers, accountants, technicians and IT support staff? What about you?
Stories are a powerful form of communication for anyone . Specialist of all kinds will find it easier to explain what they are doing to non- specialists.
Q3 What do you think the second quote means by a story told “intelligently and skillfully”?
Make sure your story is relevant to the theme of your presentation. Short with colors and details; do not rush the important parts; pause, questions, direct speech…. Try to recreate the moment, not just report it.
Storytelling techniques
Grammatical tense used Present simple a sense of immediacy the drama is unfolded as we listen dialogues and actions
Questions The quickest and most effective way of involving your audience Useful in presentation, not just storytelling
quotes More immediate impact He said he really wasn’t interested. So he says “Look, forget it!” (makes you feel you are part of the story)
repetition “meatball sandwich” (8) “what would you do” “that’s not what happened” “he says” In a story, repetition is the key. Makes the main points clear and easy to follow Gives rhythm and structure of the story Make it a story, not just a report