Grigori Saghyan ISOC.AM VP Information security Grigori Saghyan ISOC.AM VP
International definitions It is generally accepted all debates are due to different interpretations of the definitions. In field of telecommunications in 1988, in Melbourne, ITU released the so-called Blue Book-a list of definitions, where one can find the definition for “content information”. In Guadalajara in 2012 ITU adopted the definition for Cybersecurity. For “Information security” there is no any definition internationally accepted.
Definitions on regional level – some CIS countries Information security –a state of protection of information environment, allowing its formation, use and development in the interests of citizens, organizations and the state. This definition covers all areas of human activity, including national and international content and technical measures– “information environment”.
Definitions – ISO level Officially, ISO/IEC 27032 addresses “Cybersecurity” or “Cyberspace security”, defined as the “preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in the Cyberspace”. “the Cyberspace” is defined as: “the complex environment resulting from the interaction of people, software and services on the Internet by means of technology devices and networks connected to it, which does not exist in any physical form”. Here we have new term – The Internet
Cyberspace main players ITU, inter-governmental organization – responsible for telecommunication, including radio spectrum allocation and management. ICANN, Corporation in the US - Addressing and numbering in cyberspace or in the Internet. Search engines – few private companies in the US, China, Russia. Content creators – all Internet users
Content According to the ISO definition - cyberspace is an analogue radio spectrum; however, it was created by people. During the Cold War in the Eastern Block to limit the content to be transmitted through the radio spectrum used station- jammers with varying degree of effectiveness. Today, we see attempts - partly successful more unsuccessful - to restrict access to cyberspace.
Access restrictions - jammers
Who will implement information security? One body for governmental, commercial, civil society for content control and cybersecurity measures implementation? Separate bodies for content control and cybersecurity implementation? Separate bodies for governmental and other organizations for cybersecurity implementation? Who will coordinate international cooperation in cyberspace? What is the role of ICANN in this process?