ESF Alumni Association New Board Member Orientation
Our Mission The College of Environmental Science and Forestry Alumni Association is a group of individuals concerned with the promotion, achievements and heritage of the College. The Association, working as a partner with the College, assists and promotes the College in the attainment of its objectives. The Association serves to cultivate friendship and cooperation among the alumni and to assist them however appropriate within the capabilities of the Association. The Association represents the alumni in the affairs of the College by acting as a facilitator between and among alumni, students, faculty, staff and administration. The Association provides programs and services to benefit alumni, ESF students and the College. Adopted by the ESF Alumni Association Board of Directors December 22, 1995 (Amended June 10, 2014)
Board Membership 32 Elected Directors (voting) 4 Ex-Officio Members (voting)
Board Membership Directors & Officers are elected for 2-year terms Each Director may serve 2 consecutive terms All terms begin and end with the Association’s Annual Meeting during Alumni & Family Fall Weekend (Fall)
Ex-Officio Voting Directors College President Director of the ESF College Foundation President of the Ranger School Alumni Association President of the Undergraduate Student Association
Alumni Association Staff Administrative Assistant – Nichole Dougherty College Bookstore Manager – Stacey Messina
Office of Alumni Relations Staff Director – Debbie Caviness Asst. Director – Jennifer Cullivan
College Staffing Presidential Reports 3 Vice Presidents 3 Directors Provost & Executive Vice President VP for Administration VP for Advancement, Gov’t Relations & External Affairs 3 Directors Executive Director ESF Foundation Chief of Staff and Executive Director of Sustainability Director of Diversity and Inclusion
Office of Alumni Relations Reporting VP for Advancement, Gov’t Relations & External Affairs Director of Alumni Relations Director of Development Director of Communications
Other Boards Associated with ESF ESF Board of Trustees Members appointed by the Governor ESF College Foundation Staffed by: Executive Dir./Dir. of Development Foundation for Paper Science & Engineering (Syracuse Pulp & Paper Foundation)
Board Member Responsibilities To promote and cultivate friendship, fellowship and cooperation among the alumni, students and faculty of the College. To assist and promote the College in the attainment of its objectives. To serve and assist the membership as necessary within the capabilities of the Association. To represent the membership in the affairs of the College. To solicit, receive, invest, and disburse funds in pursuit of the preceding stated purposes.
Board Member Commitment Attend at least two of the three scheduled board meetings each year, which includes the Association’s annual meeting; attend events sponsored by the Association where Board participation is critical to the success of that event; be alert for opportunities to promote the purpose, goals, and objectives of the Association; be a current dues payer or life member throughout their term on the Board; Serve on at least one committee or as a member of the Executive Committee during the two-year term. Volunteer at one alumni event per year.
Board Committees Alumni Memorial Scholarship Committee Awards Committee Audit and Finance Committee Board Orientation Committee By-Laws Committee Communications Committee Landberge Scholarship Committee Membership Benefits Committee Nominations/Elections Committee Strategic Planning Committee
Meetings and Volunteer Opportunities Annual Meetings Second Thursday of January - January 11, 2017 First Thursday of June – June 1, 2017 Friday afternoon of Alumni & Family Fall Weekend Volunteer Opportunities Pizza Party Study Break – December and May Champagne Toast – December and May ESF Golf Tournament Welcome Tent for new students Textbook Help Ice Cream Social Syracuse Chiefs Tailgate Party Student Spotlight on Research – judging projects Basketball and Football Receptions Board Events Feinstone Dinner – October 26, 2016 Graduates of Distinction Recognition Dinner – December 9, 2016 College President’s Holiday Party – January 6, 2017
Alumni Association Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan Current Strategic Plan 2016 – 2021 (Adopted June 2016 ) Yearly action plan with strategies to achieve each goal detailed in the Strategic Plan Remain financially sound. Promote the Advancement of the College Increase the visibility of the Alumni Association. Engage and Recognize alumni. Maintain an up-to-date alumni database . Strengthen Alumni Association relations with students. Sustain an actively involved Alumni Board.
About ESF Ranked #37 for the “Best Public Universities” and #41 in the “Best Value” category by US News & World Reports – the highest ranked school in the SUNY system in these two categories One of the largest land holding colleges in the US with 25,000 acres of varied habitat on 8 regional campus & field stations in NYS Tuition for NYS residents - $6,470/year; room & board and program fees bring total cost to approximately $23,000 Non-NYS residents - $16,320/$35,443
ESF Departments Chemistry Landscape Architecture Environmental Studies Environmental & Forest Biology Forest & Natural Resources Management Environmental Resources Engineering Paper & Bioprocess Engineering Division of Environmental Science
ESF Students Admissions standards are “highly selective” - most are Tier 1 or Tier 2 1,650 undergrads; 600 graduate Students represent 34 states/39 countries More than 80% receive financial aid Faculty/student ratio: 1:13 Total alumni: 20,000
Policies Conflict of Interest Whistle-Blower Gift Acceptance